Sellout P and that bitch H (kaisoo)

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"I don't understand, isn't this a P?" Jongin asks, an adorably cute confused look crossing his face.

"Yes" I glance at the paper i set him up to work on while i started on my more advanced level homework.

"Then why doesn't it make a P sound?" he asks, slumping his shoulders as if the worlds problems can all be centered around the sound this P is making.

I fight off the smile trying to form on my lips "Because it's followed by an H, if a P is followed by an H then it makes an F sound, not a P sound"

Jongin sits back and throws his pen down on the paper dramatically "Well, what the fuck? Does it suddenly just abandon all its principals just because an H comes along? I mean come on, you're a P, don't start acting like a damn F just because of an H... bitches man"

I giggle and shake my head at Jongin's silliness, to which he gives me a goofy lopsided grin. Minseok was right, at fist it was kind of weird, but soon Jongin and I fell into a comfortable flow. When I was silent, Jongin filled it. When I would get flustered, Jongin would joke around till I calmed down, and when Jongin got confused I would help him through it. I am actually having a very nice time tutoring Jongin, and he gets a lot more than I thought he would.

"I like your giggle, it's cute" I blush at his words and turn the page.

"Do you want to call it a night? It's almost six" I ask, trying to pull the subject away from anything that would deepen the color of my cheeks.

Jongin's head shoots up. "Shit I'm going to be late, Minseok's going to work my ass off today as punishment."

"Oh, I can come with you and tell him that we just ran late, he can't be upset about you focusing on your studies, can he?" I suggest, knowing that Minseok is a giant pushover when it comes to me.

I frown at my own thinking, of even trying to use Minseok's soft spot for me against him. But in the same breath i really don't want Jongin to get in trouble, especially when it's kind of my fault he's late. Before i have much of a chance to feel to conflicted about it, i look up to meet Jongin's amazed and hopeful eyes causing any guilt i feel to dissipate.

Jongin grins, his face scrunching up in a cute manor. "You would do that for me?"

I smile shyly back, feeling the sudden need to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear 'get it together, Kyungsoo, you are not a high school girl flirting with her crush, you are a college girl... BOY, you are a boy, Kyungsoo... Jesus Christ, say something before he thinks you're special needs'

I straighten my button up shirt and clear my throat, regaining composure. "Of course. You're my pupil. I have to look after you"

Jongin snorts, and places a hand over my own, and i have to push down the squeak the threatens to spill out of my mouth. "Aww, hyung, you do care."

I roll my eyes, attempting to ignore the sparks shooting up my arm at the skin to skin contact "pack up your stuff, then we'll head over to the field"

He grins and finally releases my hand "k"


"Jongin, you're late." Minseok snaps as we arrive at the field.

I step out from behind Jongin. "Sorry, Minseok, our study session ran a little late."

Minseok catches my eye and i can tell he's pushing down a grin at my presence, but he can't hide the sparkle in his eyes. "Maybe you should have payed better attention to the time, I don't approve of tardiness." He barks, but it has no bite to it.

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