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One things i've already learnt about 'normal people' is that airports are rather overwhelming.

This is it.

I've been wishing for this since I was like five.

I'm chasing freedom and it's just around the corner.

My stomach feels elevated, my heart is drumming, my hands are clammy. I've got everything with me: Harry.

We couldn't bring a phone because we'd get tracked down on those. It's the same with the private planes, people are going to know.

We've been in London for a short while, just so we know no one is tracking us.

Theres a waft of wind that suddenly hits me. I have a look and it's a couple, one with curly hair and the other who is tall with brunette hair.

I smile and look at Harry who squeezes my hand.

We soon are able to get on a plane and we take our seats. It's so crowded.

I smile and lean on his shoulder making him smile too. I then grab onto his hand on is lap and squeeze it three times.

I'm excitied. I mean I've always wanted this and now its happening. I've got the long curly head that I'm engaged to and I'm moving to a neighbourhood to grow a life there.

"We should get married here." I hum and in return his dimple pops in a smile.

His cheeks go pink making me smile and he kisses the top of my head.

I'm the happiest I've ever been.

"Sing me to sleep." I smile and he nods.

The other day, I heard him singing a song on Niall's guitar that he bought. I don't know what the song is but Harry's voice is so amazing.

"The one you were singing the other day." I smile and squeeze his hand.

"Alright, the one I wrote." He says.

"The stage is yours, Angel."

He clears his throat and I can't help but smile in excitement of it all.

"You were riding your bike to the sound of 'it's no big deal'"

"And you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels."

The words hurt my heart. I wonder who it's about.

"Nothing about the way that you were treated ever seem especially alarming till' now."

I close my eyes to enjoy the sound filling my ears.

"You can let it go, you can throw a part full of everyone you know. You don't have to be sorry..."

I kiss his shoulder, my eyes getting heavy. "You're just in time make your tea and your toast." I smile at the sad lyrics, they sound very british.

"Framed all your posters and dyed your clothes."

"Oo-ohh." I smile and he chuckles.

"You can start and family who will aways show you love. You don't have to be sorry, no." He whispers and kisses me.

Momengts pass of the song being sung. "What's the song about?"

"You're meant to be asleep, baby." He smiles but I still wait for a asnwer. "Two people, really. Zayn and you. Zayn was never treated well and in so many ways neither were you. It's about the two people I ever l..." He pauses. "Like, cared for."

"Why Matilda?"

"Well I had to check if the character was right." He starts and I chuckle. "But your eyes remind me of honey and reading under a tree..."

Midnight Angel H.S COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now