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AN: I've decided to making this a two-part book series just so it's not too long

New Rochelle, NY
Liegth University
Art Building
Room 0-2

Ryojin looked around the classroom before sighing, Landon wasn't in his seat and the bell had rung for class to begin.

Is he mad at me? He hasn't answered any of my texts, Ryojin thought as he greeted his class, "Good morning everyone."

Brooklyn, NY
Kilac. Labels

"So what would you like to do?" Marcy asked, folding her small wrinkled hands on her lap calmly.

Landon sighed, "I originally wanted to announce a hiatus but that would just be pointless, I'm not coming back." he started.
"So...I guess just telling everyone I'm quitting music would be better." just so they aren't waiting for a return that'll never happen.

"You're sure? About quitting? You have real potential to go further, Landon." Marcy reminded the teen.
He nodded but sighed anyway, of course Landon didn't want to give up music but...

"This was always the plan. Singing was just a temporary hobby until I replaced my dad." he stated before looking at the clock on Marcy's desk and quickly standing up.
"Shit, I have to go. I have school." Landon realized and leaned forward to shake Marcy's hand.

The woman gave a tight-lipped smile, "Alright, I'll get everything prepared. Luminate Magazine wanted an interview so we'll have you announce the leave there. I'll call you when everything's ready."

"Right, thanks. See you later." the redhead rushed out of the office and to his car.
Never, in his entire life, had Landon ever been late to school. He maintained perfect attendance and grades, which was more than he could say for his friends.

Kaleb and Percy had pretty good grades, dispite hating homework to their cores.
Justin and Emma were probably the smartest though, Emma being a TA and Justin being in college at the young age of 17.
The only reason Kaleb was also in college at 17 was due to Justin doing most of his assignments.

New Rochelle, NY
Liegth University
Room 0-2

Landon pratically barged into the classroom, not daring to spare Ryojin a glance as he got to his seat.
Ryojin was disrupted mid-sentence by the teen's unannounced entrance, leaving him speachless for a second.

But he quickly recovered, "As I was saying, sculpture art is considered a more difficult form than painting. But, if any of you are interested in that subject; Ms. Lewis in class 9-2 is holding sign-ups for the next semester."

"With that out the way, please pass back these digital sketchpads and make sure everyone has one." Ryojin stepped forwards and handed a stack of tablets to the people sitting in the front row, expecting them to hand them back, as they did.

"For the past month we've been working on physical sketches, and now I'd like to see how many of you are good with digital art as well." the brunet explained, walking back over to his desk and opening his laptop.

40 minutes later,

The bell rang, and like normal, everyone quickly left the classroom to get to their next one.

Landon waved Percy off before standing in front of Ryojin's desk with his hands behind his back and his head down.

Sometime during the lecture, Ryojin had snapped his fingers twice; instantly telling Landon he wanted him after class.

"Yes sir?" Landon finally asked once the last of the students were out.
Ryojin looked up at him, still sitting at his desk calmly.

"You were late." Landon nodded, waiting for a chance to explain.
"You've also been ignoring my calls. What's going on?" Ryojin asked.

Except he wasn't mad, instead the teacher seemed genuinely concerned and wanted to know of Landon's wellbeing.

"I-I'm fine. I've been really busy getting everything ready for taking over the company, I'm sorry." the redhead answered.

Ryojin stood up from his desk and reached his hand out, Landon leaned across the desk so Ryojin could softly caress his cheek.

"I worry about you. Don't rush yourself though, take your time to get everything in order." Ryojin paused to softly kiss Landon's lips, "Struggle shouldn't be apart of your life." he added in a low voice.

Landon nodded, smiling softly.
He's so caring...maybe loving him isn't too bad.

"Sir..." Landon got Ryojin's attention, "I have class."
Ryojin smiled slyly.

"Go ahead, text me before you go home. I want to take you somewhere." he answered, reaching up to flick Landon's forehead before sending the teen off.

3 hours later,
Long Island, NY

Landon's eyes lit up, watching the waves crash against the rocks on the further side of the shore.

Far past the pier and the spot in the sand where he sat on a beach chair, holding Ryojin's hand.

"I've always loved the ocean. I learned how to surf when I visited California once, I was 23." Ryojin said softly, not sparing a glance towards the redhead and instead watching the birds fly over the water.

"Really? Were you raised in California?" Landon questioned, it was a simple question.
One he knew the answer to but had forgotten in the midst of that small blissful moment.

Ryojin's lips curled up in a smile, "No. I was born and raised in Daegu. But after I came back from deployment, I wanted to travel. So I went to California." he explained casually.

He was clearly at peace and enjoyed the salty, warm air.
The beach reminded the brunet of a simple time when he was young.

Landon, on the other hand, was reminded of a far off island in the middle of the sea where he spent vacations as a teen.

He turned to the teacher, "Every year in December, my family goes to our island in the Atlantic for vacation."

Ryojin looked over at him, waiting for Landon to finish his sentence, "I-...will you come with me?" he asked.

Expecting Ryojin to hesitate, maybe sympathetically deny the same way Andrew had, Landon was completely taken aback when Ryojin said:

"Of course."

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bc even though I'm being dragged through the literal mud by covid...i still produced what i hope is a good chapter

𝓛𝓔: 𝓛𝓮𝓰𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓼 [BxM] 16+✔️Where stories live. Discover now