Chapter Sixty Eight

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Elio's birthday was everything he dreamed it would be. He waited patiently all day until classes were over to finally ask his mother.

"When are we having cake?" He asked when her final class left. Clarice sat at her desk, glasses perched on her nose, while marking a few papers for Severus.

"Soon lovebug, very soon." She smiled up from the desk down to him and he beamed back at her.

"And presents?" He pressed.

"After cake." She spoke without looking up this time.

"What's that about cake?" Clarice looked up from her papers to see her husband walking in. "Is it a special occasion or something?"

"It's my birthday!" Elio yelled at his dad as if he had forgotten.

"How could I forget!" He picked Elio up. "Ready to go?"

"Almost... I'm just finishing up your fifth years papers... and... done!" She dropped her quill and stood up.

"How did they do?" He asked.

"Not terrible, but they could use some extra help with the measurements. I'll make a study guide for them." Clarice kissed his cheek.

"You're the best." He kissed her back.

"Now let's go have dinner." Clarice led the way to the great hall and occasionally had to stop so students could wish Elio a happy birthday.

After dinner, Albus gave his usual updates on what was going on, but also made the entire hall sing happy birthday to Elio. He also made sure everyone had a slice of chocolate cake.

"Present time?" Elio asked while pointing to the table filled with gifts. Clarice sighed. She didn't realize how popular her son was. He had a gift from each staff member and almost half of the students have gifted him something as well. She was astonished.

"I suppose so." She said while bringing him over. Most students had cleared out, but some waited around to see Elio's face when he opened their gifts.

Some of his favorite gifts included a toy broomstick from Minerva, his own Pygmy Puff from Hagrid who was named Green Bean, a pair of socks from Albus, some odd crystals from Sybil that Clarice quickly hid due to them being a choking hazard, and an enormous amount of candy from students and other staff members. He had gotten other knick knacks like clothes and various baby toys as well. Clarice sent everything back to their quarters dreading having to find a place to hide all of the sweets.

Laying in bed had never felt sweeter than that night. As Severus closed the gap between them, she turned to him.

"I love you." She said.

"As do I." He replied in a very tired husky voice.

"I'm going to resume occlumency lessons with the boys I think." She said while laying on her back.

"I think they would appreciate that."

"Do you want to come?" She asked.

"If I'm welcome."

"I need your help with the dreaming aspect of it all. I don't quite understand that and wouldn't know how to explain that." She said.

"I'll make a guest appearance if you let me sleep woman." He chuckled deeply and Clarice sighed.

"Fine." She rolled over into his chest and just as she was about to fall asleep, her door crept open.

"Mommy I threw up."

Clarice groaned internally, but quickly swept the blankets off of her and slipped on her slippers.

"You okay love?" She rubbed his back and used her wand to turn on the lights. Severus had already fallen asleep and she didn't bother waking him up. She easily cleaned up the vomit on his bed and floor and changed his pajamas.

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