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They're gonna be so ooc, I haven't done much research ab them yet.

Third person POV:

Shizuku is lost, yet again, it's a normal occurrence for the others, specifically Airi to go searching for her.

Airi takes in a deep breath and breathes out a heavy sigh as she walks around the area.

She should've tried to teach Shizuku about gps more often, it could help her so much and save Airi from her troubles.

She wanders into the last alleyway she saw, it lead to another place, as she went in she saw Shizuku in the middle with her phone out trying to chat Airi.

"Shizuku." she lets out a yelp, startled by the sudden call of her name in the middle of an alley.

"Why do you have no sense of direction at all? I told you, I was gonna pick you up, but you refused saying you could do it, you ended up getting lost, AGAIN!" Airi reprimanded Shizuku.

Shizuku just giggled, "I'm sorry Airi, I just wanted to show you how I'm not that independent, I guess I have no choice but to depend on you all the time.."

"C'mon, lets get outta here, we're so far away from where we were supposed to meet!" Airi says, walking closer to Shizuku and then taking her hand.

Shizuku can feel her face become warmer as she felt the smooth surface of Airi's hand on hers, letting out a small smile.

As Airi technically drags her there, like walking a puppy or dog, Shizuku was just looking at Airi the whole time, she's always noticed how Airi looked incredibly cute.

They were going to a dessert shop, Airi liked, Shizuku was actually the one to invite her, Airi was surprised.

As they reached it, Airi's eyes widened at the sight of multiple desserts almost making her mouth drool, she could even smell it.

Airi swiftly went in, Shizuku following her right after, when Shizuku entered she could already see Airi lined up.

She walked behind Airi, "Should I get seats?"
Airi just nodded, eager to order all of the sweets in the menu.

Shizuku walked around to find empty tables and then saw one for 2 people, as she sat down she took her phone out yet again, trying to figure out how to work it out again.

She only really knew how to text and screenshot but this time, she's gonna try to figure out how to use GPS.

She was searching up about how to use GPS on a phone and found it easy, she then used a Google map to find her location, it was accurate and she was happy about her new achievement.

Airi soon came later on and saw how Shizuku was smiling while using her phone, "Whatcha do this time?" she asked sitting down in front of Shizuku.

"I learned how to use GPS, I mean I know its not that impressive but-" she gets cut off by the pink haired gal, "You learned how?! By yourself?! Good job Shizu!!" she compliments the taller woman.

"Thank you.." Shizuku says with a flushed face, Airi smiles and then sees a waiter coming to their table with the whole menu.

"Our desserts are here!!" Airi says cheerfully and was about to nearly jump from her seat and take the trays from the waiter and bring it by herself instead because of the slow pace.

Shizuku can't help but stare at Airi, completely unable to be interrupted, until she noticed Airi was looked back, she looked away.

Airi noticed how Shizuku looked at her but didn't really question it since she was too busy to think when the desserts are finally on the table.

Airi first ate the cake and then the rest with a grin, Shizuku smiled eating a bit, "You're so cute, do you know that?" she says out loud by accident.

Covering her mouth right after with a deep red blush on her face.

"You find me cute? Really?" she asks and Shizuku looks away in embarrassment.

Airi took Shizuku's hand and kissed it, "Well with the way you've been staring at me the whole day, it was really obvious, but I like you too."

Shizuku was about to faint from what's happening, it felt like a dream, she couldn't believe it.

Airi then stood up, went next to Shizuku and placed a kiss on her lips, "Next time, don't be so dense."

Airi says and giggles, Shizuku smiles and laughs along with her.

maybe pjsekai oneshots... update, it is a oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now