Shihonami and Ichisaki

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this is more honashiho focused than ichisaki!

I'm so fucking tired.



Third Person POV:

"Shiho-chan!" Saki said running and hugging the girl, "Hey! Get off me.." Shiho blushes lightly in embarrassment, "Do you wanna eat lunch with me?" Saki asks, "Ehh? Uh..sure." Shiho replies.

They walk to a bench together, Saki pull's out her packed lunch and Shiho does aswell, Shihp starts to eat her food in silence and every once in a while, Saki would mumble things to her, mouth full, "Saki, please don't talk with your mouth full." she sighed.

Saki then chewed and swallowed, "I wanted to say, can I try your food? It looks new!" she smiles, Shiho unwillingly lets her, Saki shoves it into her mouth, "Mmm!" she made a noise, "Is it that good?" Shiho asks, Saki nods, "I can..get my sister to make some for you, If you want." Shiho says, Saki nods eagerly, "Thank you Shiho-chan!"

They then saw Honami walking with another overenergetic extrovert, Emu looked at them and waved, Honami did aswell, "Emu-chan! Hona-chan!" Saki said while waving back, the two walked to them, Shiho then looked up to Honami, she really was way too tall.

"How are you both?" Honami asked, "I'm fine." Shiho replied, "Great! How about you?" Saki said, "I'm doing alright." Honami then looked at Shiho still eating her food, "So uh, what are the both of you doing together? Again." Honami asks, "We're just eating lunch together!" Saki smiled.

"Ah, I see." Honami nodded, yet again looking at the girl beside Saki, "What are you staring at me for?" Shiho says, "O-oh.." Honami chuckled, "Sorry.." she said, Shiho doesn't reply and yet again continues to eat, Saki and Emu talk to eachother.

Honami leans closer to Shiho, "Can I have some?" Honami asks, Shiho blushes deeply, she then picks up the food with her chopsticks, "Here, ahh.." she says, Honami opens her mouth and Shiho places the food into her mouth, Honami then stops leaning and straightens her body posture.

She chews onto the food, she smiled, "Its really good." she says, "Saki had the same reaction." Shiho replied. "Oh really?" Honami says, "Yeah." Shiho says, Honami frowns a little, "Are you upset at me?" she asks, "What? No!" Shiho replies immediately, catching the attention of Saki and Emu.

"Okay then." Honami crosses her arms, Shiho sighs, she then covers her food container, she takes Honami's hand, "Can you stop being so damn annoying? What did I do?"

Honami looks at her with pure anger in her eyes, ever since Shiho has been hanging out with Saki more often she's been sad about it.

Honami pouts, Shiho doesn't know what she's done to deserve that stare, "Geez, are you joking right now? Or? Because you've been assuming I'm mad at you everytime you see me." Shiho says, her eye twitching.

Honami looks away, "Honami, you've never acted like this back then, 'little miss perfect'." she says, okay, she's actually getting on her nerves now.

Honami lets go of Shiho's hand, "Seriously? You know how much I dislike being called that, you did it on purpose didn't you? You're always making me feel so..upset!" she shouts and storms off out of both anger and guilt, Shiho sighs, Honami just did that, the girl was never the one to lash out like that, but then again, she did do that to get a rise out of Honami.

Emu and Saki looked at her, "Ehh...I'll go now Saki-chan, byebye!" Emu runs away, Shiho then takes a deep breathe, dropping down back onto the bench taking her face into her hands, "Why did you two fight again?" Saki asked, "I dont fuckin' know! Okay?! She's been like this for no reason and it annoys me, so much!"

maybe pjsekai oneshots... update, it is a oneshots.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora