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treat for making emunene slowburn oneshot just Tsukasa vs Rui LMFAOO.

this is not related with that slowburn though, I swear.

Rui's POV:

Me and Tsukasa were talking to eachother in the hallway, "So where's Nene?" I asked him, "With Emu, as always." he chuckles.

I wrap my hand around his, "Lets go find them?" I say, "Hey Rui!" I got distracted as I saw the two running at us, well, Emu dragging Nene.

I waved and then looked at Tsukasa, I could swear I saw red on his face, he let go of my hand and then smiled at them.

"How are you guys?" Emu asks, "Great as always!" Tsukasa strikes a poses, Emu claps for him, "I'm fine, how about you hm?"

"Good!" Emu replies with a grin on her face, "I'm feeling nice." Nene said, "So, what you guys wanna do? There's no school for the rest of the day, since there's an emergency here."

Third person POV:

"Lets go to phoenix wonderland!" Emu says, "Alright!" the shorter man replies, They started to walked to the exit, talking to eachother as they did.

"I wonder, what did you do in private?" Rui then said smiling mischievously at Nene, Nene blushed deeply looking away, "Oh, I get it now."

"You get what now?" Rui bent his fingers making them a hand puppet, (yk, index, middle, ring and pinky as head and thumb as mouth.)

he did the same thing with his other, he then made a motion of making his hands kiss, "That kind of what now." Tsukasa looks at him and then the other two.

Emu laughing so hard she'll probably choke and Nene covering her face, he then places his hand on his chin thinking about it, "Oh." his eyes wide open when he figured it out.

He covered his mouth at the realization, Rui chuckled at the boy, "Was it so shocking?" he then said, "No, but I cant believe it took me so long to notice."

Tsukasa laughs, "Its hard not to notice the both of you blushing when we walk in backstage." he says, Nene was mortified, Emu just kept laughing, her stomach hurting, her tears keep falling out.

They then reached the exit and got out, "Should we take a ride or do we walk? Its kinda far from there." he says, "Lets walk, we need a bit of exercise anyway." Rui then coughs looking at Nene.

Nene rolls her eyes, then then continue walking towards the location, "Sooo, is it official yet?" Tsukasa randomly asks, Emu smiles and nods, Nene sighs.

"I'm so tired." Nene says, "I can carry you!" Emu says, "Uhh, I dont think you could..WOAH!" Emu then lifts the girl up, "I can, but I think it's better to give you a piggy back ride." she says.

Placing Nene down, the girl sighs, "Are you sure you don't need help?" Tsukasa says, "Yep!" Nene then gets onto Emu's shoulders.

They continue walking for a while, the 3 were still quite surprised on how Emu was still holding on, it was quite hard to carry someone, especially for that amount of time.

"We're near now right?" Emu says, Rui nods, they then reach the place not long after, "Heres our destination!" she then crouched and Nene gets down.

"Thanks Emu." "Noo problem!" she grins, then started running inside, "H-hey! Emu, wait!" Nene ran after her and then the boys looked at eachother, smiling also running inside.

When they were going to try out rides, they did for free since, Emu technically is apart of the owners.

They had fun, especially on the really fast carousel, they had people get kicked out until they were finished.

They then went onto the roller coaster, They were screaming but enjoying it, Nene though was on the verge of throwing up.

There was one more they didnt ride yet, the ferris wheel, all four of them got on at once and they were kind of bored until they saw the view.

"Hey Tsukasa look, there's a white bird right there." Rui points out of the window, Tsukasa looks, "It looks so cool!" he says as the bird looked quite unique.

But when Tsukasa was going back to his original position he accidentally placed his hands on top of Rui's, he blushed, Rui then felt the presence.

As Tsukasa was about to peel his hand away, Rui placed his other free hand on top of his then look him in the eye, Nene and Emu were distracted.

Tsukasa looked into Rui's eyes, trying to cover the blush on his face, Rui chuckled and kisses his forehead.

Tsukasa's face more darker, placing his hand on his temple, very confused at what just happened, Rui laughs, "Seems like Tsukasa has officially stopped working."

Emu and Nene look, then laugh, "Were you that oblivious Tsukasa? Rui liked you!" Emu says pointing it out like it wasnt obvious currently.

"Shush, I'm having a moment." he says, taking in the contact his hand has with Rui's, smiling, he layed his head onto the taller man's shoulder.

He smiled, "This is quite the love story, isn't it?"

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