Anhane part 2

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the end was RUSHED.

Third person POV:

Next day, was as usual.

She went out with Emu, enjoyed it a lot, she also yet again went to visit Emu's house to see her puppy.

"AHH!! HES SO CUTE!!" she immediately ran towards him, the puppy did aswell and jumped into her arms, it licked her face.

Emu laughed, An did aswell, they then proceeded to eat dinner at Emu's house, after doing so, An left and went back to the kingdom.

Seeing her father waiting there for her, "An, we're visiting Aoyagi's kingdom." she smiled, "Really?!" he nodded.

She went back to her room after the talk with a smile on her face, she hasn't seen her childhood friend in so long!

She reached her room, changed and then fell asleep.

She woke up early out of excitement, took a show got ready, went downstairs and ate with her father, they then walked outside to the carriage.

They got in and it started moving, she was really really happy to be able to see him again.

A few hours later when they arrived she got down and looked at the huge kingdom, the both of them walking in with guards surrounding them.

When they got inside of the castle she saw Touya and was almost about to hug him but she saw his parents and bowed down.

Then when she had permission to go somewhere else with Touya she immediately pulled him away to his garden.

"Ahhh I missed you so much!!" she pulled him into a hug, Touya chuckled, "How have you been?" she asked.

"I've been alright." he says, she then notices the red on his hands, "Uh are you sure? your hands are kinda.." she holds it and raises it, he winced.

"Touya? What's going on?" she asked, "My father, I have to practice the piano or the violin nonstop everyday."

"What? Are you serious? Thats crazy. I'll convince your father to let you stay with me for a while okay? Give me a sec!" she ran back inside, he looked at his hands and sighed.

"Mr. Aoyagi, can Touya please stay over at the Shiraishi kingdom for a little while?" she asks, the man was unable to decline since he had a 'good personality' act.

She thanked him and ran back to Touya, out of breathe, she opened the door to see him with an orange haired knight.

She laughed a little, "So, new boyfriend? You should've told me earlier!!" she joked, walking to them.

"Anyway, I convinced your dad! Let's get packing c'mon!" she pulls his arm, "Also you, the ginger, yeah whatever, come with!" the knight sighed in frustration.

"My name is Shinomome Akito." he says, "Okayyy then ginger dude."

When they arrived at Touya's room she immediately raided his closet and took a suit, "Can I try this on?" she asks, as if she had planned it all along, the boy nods.

It was a little oversized but she made it work, "I look handsome dont I?" she says, Touya laughs, "You do though." he said, no joking, she giggled.

Akito was jealous, but he did nothing since An was a princess.

She changed back into her dress and they continued to pack Touya's stuff.

When they were ready they talked and waited till they were gonna leave.

A servant knocked on the door telling Touya and An it was time to leave, Akito was of course not gonna get brought.

They were helped with the items and then got into the carriage, Touya waving a goodbye to Akito as he watched it move.

Touya felt relief to finally get away from that castle, his hands also feeling a little better.

He and An talked till they both slept, An's head on Touya's shoulder. Ken was next to them and chuckled, he forgot how nostalgic these moments felt like, they haven't visited Touya for years.

When they arrived home he woke them up and they got off, the knights taking their items in for them of course.

An immediately dragged the man to her room instead and they started to talk about music, Touya's head would hurt whenever he heard classical start to play, his arms, his hands, they would be aching too.

An and Touya's music taste were the same, no differences, both of them liked the same things since they were children and it still hasn't changed now.

They started playing one and started to sing and dance, enjoying themselves, "I forgot how much I missed doing this with you." she smiles, he does aswell.

"Its been quite a while hasn't it, An?" he answered, "Yeah it has, wanna do some more?" she asks, "Hell yeah."

They proceeded to dance themselves off until they both got tired, they laughed together but then Touya had left to rest at the guest room, she changed and then did so aswell.

She never felt this happy in a while, doing things with your childhood friend that you haven't been able to in a long time, it really makes you feel nostalgic.

She drifted off to sleep soon after.

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