Emunene part 4

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Third person Pov:

Emu woke up, getting out of bed, she changed, went down to eat, said goodbye to her siblings and went to Tsukasa's house.

They would always practice at Tsukasa's house at saturday and sunday or just have a long conversation, but she wondered how awkward it would be this time.

As she arrived, Nene opened the door, "Hello Nene!" she smiled and hugged the girl, "Emu please get off of me its 10 in the morning."

Emu giggles and lets go, she then closes the door and they walked into the living room, as they did she immediately noticed the two boys talking to eachother, Nene walked to the couch.

Rui looked away awkwardly and Tsukasa smiled, "Hey baby, how are you?" he said, Emu looked at him, shocked.

"B-but you said-" "I didnt promise it." he cut her off, Rui looked at them with wide eyes, "Emu? Did you seriously break up with me to date Tsukasa?"

"No! It was just so sudden he.." her sentence trailing off when she looked at Tsukasa's face, "Nothing, I wanted to date him but I didnt break up with you just to do that."

Tsukasa chuckled, "Emu is so cute huh, right Rui?" he says, Rui avoiding his gaze, the blonde man then claps, "Lets practice then, since all 4 of us are here!"

"Rui, can you give us the script?" he said, Rui taking things from his backpack and handing the papers to Tsukasa.

"Alright, lets..uh, why do you have to kiss Emu?" he says further reading the story, "I didnt expect for her to break up with me, I spent days writing this."

"How about we switch roles, I'll be the one with her." he offers, Rui looks down, "No, I dont want to."

"Didn't she break up with you? She's dating me now, there's no way I'm letting you kiss her." Tsukasa replies, "Its not like you own her, I made the script, so why can YOU change it?"

"Emu, do you want Tsukasa to switch roles with me?" Rui asks, she shakes her head, "Fine then, lets continue." Tsukasa says angrily, he then strikes a pose, "Knight Rui." he says.

The roles were of, Emu a princess, Nene the queen (as always, slay Nene), Tsukasa the king and Rui the knight.

"My king, I have a report to make, there are currently dozens of people outside of our kingdom, shall we let them stay here?" Rui asks,
"Yes, the more people, the merrier, now go let them in."

The next scene then played, after a while from when they let the people in, Emu sneaked out from the castle and bumped into Rui.

"A-ah!" Emu then almost 'falls' down, "Your royal highness?" he catches her, lets go and then bows, "Why are you roaming outside of the castle M'lady?"

"Well, I've never been permitted to go outside, I have been curious of the world we live in, and so...well you know, Can you please keep this a secret?" she says.

"Yes, ma'am, now I shall escort you back, it is quite dangerous around here." Emu nods, he then lets her walk back staying behind her and keeping his hands on his sword looking out for trouble.

As they made their way back she silently went into the castle again, he then made his go back to town.

After a short time the last scene then started playing, "Princess." Rui says, guiding her into a field of flowers, "This is my favorite spot outside of the kingdom."

"Rui, please, I've told you already, please call me, 'Ellegard' and as for this, the flowers are so beautiful." she then looks down to the non existent flowers.

"If I may request something, Ellegard, can you please look at me this once?" he says, she then looks up at him, "May I?" she blushes.

Tsukasa was absolutely enraged but kept it in and continued watching them.

Rui leans down and kisses her, for a short time, she blushed deeply when he pulled away, she quickly ran to Tsukasa and Rui couldn't help but smile though still reminded of their current relationship.

Tsukasa smiles, "Alright, lets take a break, I have desserts at the dining room." he says, the four then walk there.

Emu then literally devours the sweets, the other three just watching her, even though she was upset she clearly still had an appetite.

After Emu finished, she had walked back to Tsukasa as if she was just some type of boomerang he could throw away and come back anytime.

He then took off some crumbs off of her cheeks and kissed her, Rui looked away, jealous, Nene left earlier after eating one dessert.

It was a long one, Emu didn't expect it, she immediately pulled away to breathe, he chuckled then pinched her cheeks, "You're so cute my love."

Rui left, he wasn't able to take in this disgusting act and went to talk with Nene, Emu just felt weird, 'Do I like him? B-but he did horrible things to me, there's no way..right?'

She thought to herself, Tsukasa then held her hand and kissed her cheek, "Lets go back to the living room." he says and she nods.

When they made their way back, Emu could see Rui talking with Nene, she looked at Nene smiling happily, she felt a sharp feeling pang through her heart, she wasn't sure what it was.

"Baby, can you look at me for a second?" Tsukasa says, she obeys and makes eye contact with him, he smiled, "You love me?" he asked.

"Yes?" she said, feeling unsure, "Say it back." he whispers into her ear, "I-I love you too Tsukasa.." she stutters, "You're so cute!"

This time, she was the one who caught him by surprise, she kissed him, smiling, though she wasn't sure what she was feeling, she was oh so sure it wasn't love.

She didn't feel the rush, she didn't feel comfortable, she didn't feel nice, she wanted to run away from him, she wanted him to stop touching her, it made her feel filthy, she never knew she could ever feel like this.

"I love Emu so much!" he says out loud, trying to make Rui jealous on purpose, he hugged her, she wanted to cry so hard.

"But, oh its getting late, its time to go home." he says looking at his phone, "Yeah, Emu wanna come with us?" "Sure!" she says walking over to them.

Tsukasa was nearly about to stop her but then he knew Rui would push him away from her he sighed, "Alright, goodbye!" he says smiling.

The three walked out of the door and then they walked on their way home, they started talking about things then, Emu was dropped off first, then Nene, Rui went home by himself.

Emu felt tired from the event that happened, she then thought about Tsukasa's face, he looked genuinely happy, but Rui and Nene were obviously not though they had smiles on their faces.

She didn't know what to do about it, she then just slept the problem away, she'll think about it tomorrow, she thought.

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