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Third person POV:

Nene and Emu have been hanging out more often than before, the others enjoy seeing their happy faces.

All of them are now meeting up at Tsukasa's house.

"Nene!!" Emu says running over to the gal, "What is it?" Emu gives her a drawing she made.

"What's this?" Nene asks, "Its us!" Nene giggles, "You're so cute." and pinches Emu's cheeks, "Dont treat me like a baby!!"

The other two walk in, "Having fun?" Emu nods and then quickly jumps up when she saw Rui and Tsukasa have plates in their hands.

She looks to see what the snack was and saw sweets, she runs over to Rui and takes one to eat, "Emu, be patient." Nene says and Emu nods but still continues biting the donut.

"Anyways, what should we do?" Tsukasa asks, "I brought a monopoly board here, lets play lets play!" Emu says eagerly.

The other jsut agree unable to refuse the smaller girl, she comes back with the monopoly set and places it on the floor, they all sat next to her.

When they finished organizing it they started to play, "Hehe..Nene, I made you bankrupt." "Wait what?!"

It ended with Emu beating them all, who knew the girl was smart at playing monopoly?

"Wahahahaha!!" she laughs and the others laugh with her, "Lets play another round!" Emu begs.

"Alright then." Rui says, the two others agree, they play yet again.

"Tsukasa, you're going to jail and Rui you landed on my property give me the money!"
Emu says, Tsukasa was first to go bankrupt, along with Rui a few moments later.

Nene and Emu are having a heated battle, the boys can't help but feel the tension in the room.

They watch as the girls fight for their lives in the game, "Emu you're going to jail." Emu places her character in the jail.

As they continue more time passes no one still losing, "Just give up Nene, you can't win against me." the three others shocked at how the small girl was able to say that in a tone she never used either.

Nene quickly regained her composure and still continued playing, "I got you now." Emu says, Nene then ends up going bankrupt, "Ugh."

Emu giggles, "Better luck next time Nene~" Nene sighs and the boys laugh.

"I also have a chess board." Emu says, "Fine." Nene replies, they then sit down yet again to play the other.

Emu somehow wins again, "How are you even doing this." Emu giggles, "I like playing board games!"

They then continued playing chess over and over, Emu always won, "that's her 8th winstreak.." Tsukasa says after she won against Nene again.

The two continued to watch the heated duels Emu and Nene were having and then, surprisingly, Nene won!

"Wow! Good job Nene!" Emu praises her and Nene smiles, "Well should we take a break from board games for now?"

Emu nods and Nene doesn't reply and just sits down on the couch.

Emu continued to eat the desserts that were left on the coffee table while sitting next to Nene.

While Tsukasa and Rui were talking, "Nene, can I tell you something?" "Hm?"

"I like you." "like, love love you." Emu says kissing Nene on her cheek, "Oh, Emu..."

"I'm sorry, I cant reciprocate..Emu, I'm dating Rui." thats what done it, breaking Emu's heart into pieces.

"Oh..I understand Nene!" she says and smiles at her, 'I'm fine..' she tells herself holding back tears.

"I have to go." she then gets up takes her board games and leaves immediately.

Nene tried to run after her but failed, "Nene?" the two boys noticed.

"What happened?" Nene starts tearing up, "I'm so sorry.."

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