Akito and Ena (platonic.)

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noxiot here you go!

The TV:

"Akito, move your leg you're blocking the TV." Ena says, "Ugh wait I'm playing a game."
"You better move that leg right now or I'm gonna take away your gadget privilege."

Akito doesn't answer, "You little rat." she hisses and takes away his phone, "Hey wait! I was about to finish, c'mon!" He says frustrated and she just blows a raspberry at him.

"You're so annoying, not my problem!" she says and goes to hide his phone.

Washing dishes:

"Akito, its your turn to wash the dishes." Ena says, "Huh? Mine?! No way, its your turn!" Ena stares at him, "I washed the dishes earlier, its your turn! Go do them you lazy little kid!"

"Urgh." Akito says and walks to the sink, Ena smiles proudly.

The door:

Ena busts into Akito's room, him getting shocked, "I have something I need in here.." she says and then takes a pen from his desk and leaves.

Akito then looks at the widely opened door, "Ena! ENA! YOU LEFT THE DOOR OPEN! ENAA!!"

"What kinda person leaves the door open? SERIOUSLY?" he says and gets up.


"Akito! Did you take a sandwich from the fridge?!" she shouts, "Yeah, what about it?" he says, "THAT WAS MINE!" she says.

"Huh?? It didn't have a name on it, besides I already ate it so no more sandwich." he says.

"Seriously, this boy." she mumbles and walks back to her room.

The front passenger seat in a car:

As Akito and Ena went outside along with their father Akito suddenly shouts, "I'm going to the front!"

"YOU? Ha! No way!!" she says and runs faster pushing him back a little stopping him from moving faster but doesn't make him fall.

She opens the door and gets in and then locks it, she sticks her tongue out at the boy with an angry face.


"Akito, you ate the three bag of chips already, I should have the last bag." Ena says, "No way, I should have it, you have enough money to buy yours!"

She looks at him and raises her hand curled into a fist, "If you even dare say that again I will seriously punch you so hard I'll send you to Mars."

He scrunched his face and just looked away annoyed, she grins and takes the bag and leaves.

The clothing:

"Ena, where's my jacket-" his sentence was cut off when he looked at her, "Why the hell are you using my jacket."

"I'm gonna go outside and its cold, I dont have any so I'm taking yours." she says, "You can't just casually raid my closet time from time and not tell me!"

"Oh yes I can! Whats yours is mine!" she argues back, "I cant even say that back because all that you own are dresses!"

"Boys can wear dresses!" she replies, "That's gay Ena!!" she looks at him shocked, "You're not gay?" he looked at her with wide eyes.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU THOUGHT I WAS GAY?" she laughs, "I'm joking, but seriously boys, men, they can wear dresses its not limited to women, plus a male wearing a dress isn't gay."

"Also, you always blush around boys." she adds, "SHUT UP!!"

The bathroom:

"Ena, open up! I am really this close to shitting my pants!" he shouts and bangs on the door, "I'm readying my makeup! You brat! Make it wait!" she says.

"Ena I swear to God! I am going to shit myself." he continues banging on the door, "Do NOT rush me!" she replies.

He continues to slam the door with his hands.

The sudden coming over of friends:

"Okay Airi! Here's my house, lets go to my room." Akito hears that and walks out of his room, "Did you just invite someone over without telling me?"

He then sees the pink haired girl and shoots her a 'get out of here.' stare, "Akito, I swear, don't be rude, I dont even know where you get that attitude from."

"Ohhh nooooo! Where did I get my attitude from? WHO THE HELL RAISED ME?" he shouts, "Ugh, Akito I swear if you raise your voice on me I'm gonna make you sleep OUTSIDE!"

"AS IF YOU CAN." he replies, "Maybe I can't but I can surely do this!" she says and hits him on his head, not that hard though, "Ow! Ugh fine!" he storms off into his room.

"Sorry about my brother, okay now..where were we?"


"Akito, go buy me a drink from the store across the street, its so hot in here." she says and hands him 150 yen he sighs in annoyance and takes the money.

He goes out and after a while he comes back, "Thanks." she takes the water bottle from his hand and the change, but then she counts it, "Akito, what the fuck did you buy."

"Nothing, I swear." he replies, "If you're lying to me I'm telling on dad." she says, "Fine, there was a pretty cheap arcade game and I kinda used a bit of the change on it.."

"Akito, I'm really this close to making you leave."

maybe pjsekai oneshots... update, it is a oneshots.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon