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Third person POV:

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Third person POV:

Honami and Shiho are preparing dough together, the smell of apples in the air.

"Okay, you roll this over, put this on the pie plate, shape the edges.." Honami says and Shiho looks and follows her steps, "Then lets add the apples."

"Alright, now that we did it, lets bake it, let me take yours, I'll put both into the oven." Shiho nods and gives it to her.

As she sets the oven, the smell of an apple pie all over the room by now, "It smells really nice, I guess thats why you always smell like apple pies."

"I really love baking, its my favorite hobby to do when I'm not doing anything else." Honami says, "I'm glad you're teaching me how to, I'm not used to baking."

Honami smiles, "Well, it's not that hard, besides, it's really fun to bake with you." Shiho grins.

A click is heard and Honami places her oven mitts on her hands to take the pies out.

When she does she places it on the counter, Shiho breaths in the nice air.

"Ugh, my apple pie looks so...unsymmetrical." she says, "Its not that bad for a second time! Good job Shiho!"

"Its not compliment worthy.." Shiho says and rubs the back of her neck, "Well, you still tried, 10 for the effort."

"I really can't get you to stop? Can't I?" Honami laughs, "Mhm."

"Now, we should probably share these with Saki and Ichika, lets invite them over!"

"Alright." Shiho says, and goes outside of the kitchen and to the living room.

Honami places the pies on the dining table and went back to the kitchen to remove her oven mitts and place them to their original spots.

She hears a doorbell and the doors opening soon after, "Apples pies where!" she hears an excited Saki say.

She walks into the dining room to already see Saki eagerly eating the pie, Ichika eating slowly and Shiho not eating yet.

"Why aren't you taking a piece?" Honami says as she walked up to the girl, "I was waiting for you, lets eat."

Honami sits next to Shiho and takes a piece of Shiho's pie while Shiho takes Honami's.

"Yours is really good, as always." "Yours too you know!" Shiho smiles at her, "Well thanks."

"No problem of course, its the truth." Honami says and continues eating.

Shiho finishes and goes to the sink to wash her plate, Honami finishes too and cleans her plate after Shiho did.

Saki having a big appetite still eating a lot and Ichika being forced to eat along with her.

"Should we watch a movie?" Honami suggests, Saki nods mouth full and the two others agree.

Saki brings another plate full of pie and Ichika finally stopped eating, full, they all sit on the couch and pick out a movie.

Ichika and Saki cuddle eachother and Shiho and Honami sit very close to eachother since it was cold in the living room.

"Should I get a blanket?" Honami asks and Shiho nods, when she gets back she places the blanket over the both of them and they're more closer to eachother than before.

Saki finishes her plate and then starts laughing at the movie, "Seriously? did he just kiss her?"

"This guy doesn't know no means no." Saki says, later on in the movie.

Honami ended up cuddling Shiho because of the cold.

At the end of the movie, "Ugh I'm so glad the girl killed that dude." Shiho says and sighs.

"How about a more, happier movie?" Ichika says, Saki and Honami nod, Shiho just shrugs her shoulders

"Lets watch a silent voice." "Ichika do not prank us, thats obviously a sad movie." Shiho replies.

They ended up picking wonder, while watching it Saki was crying and Ichika was comforting her.

At the ending they all smiled, "I love wonder." Saki says and the others laugh.

While Saki and Ichika talk, "Honami, can I talk to you about something in private for a minute?"

Honami nods, confused to what there is to talk about.

Shiho drags her into the dining room again, "I've been meaning to tell you this earlier but, there's been so much to do, but, please promise me you won't be mad."

Honami tilts her head, "Alright." she says, Shiho sighs and closes her eyes, then opens it again, "I like you."

"H-huh?!" Honami says out of surprise, "I. Like. You." Shiho says and pulls her closer.

"Do you.. like me back?" she asks placing her hand on top of Honami's.

Honami smiles, "Shiho, I love you." she says and kisses the shorter girl.

Shiho smiles into the kiss, as they pull away, Shiho speaks up, "You taste like apple pie." "You do too." and they both laughed it off.

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