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I have written bl in a while plus I never written ab this ship.

This will be a younger au (13 years old), where Akito still plays for his soccer team and Touya is on a strict schedule of playing violin and the piano.

TW: slight abuse.

Touya's pov:

I stay home from school again, father had told me I have to practice more since I failed to meet his expectations yesterday.

As I was lost in my thoughts I had realized I tapped a wrong note, "Stop stop stop! You. Do it again, from the start." he then slaps my arm.

I wince, closing my eyes and then start to replay the piece when I opened them, I make sure not to mess up this time and properly focus so father wouldn't get mad.

When I finished I looked at him, he still looked dissapointed, "You had messed up again today, repeat 3 more times."

I continued to play the piano, my hands feeling numb, I feel unable to continue but still did so, I can't go against my father.

As I was finally finished I really wanted to fall down into my bed and rest, my hands aching from playing for hours, "Okay, play concerto for hm.." he trails off and looks at his watch, "30 more minutes."

"Yes father." I reply, he then makes a timer and leaves, I sigh and start to play again, soon after I heard the timer I turned it off and immediately went to my room to rest.

My hands felt swollen from playing so much and from the slaps on both my wrist and hand, it hurt more to even move them, I tried to sleep but I couldn't, I then hear my phone ring.

I didn't know if I should check it as my hands hurt but I still did, I saw at how it was a text from my online best friend, Akito.

I text him a hello, and I smile as he told me about his day, he then asked me about mine, I texted him at how it was the same as usual and he tried to comfort me and then told me to rest.

I then sent a goodnight and turned it off, I forgot how much my hands hurt while talking to him, its like he's a healing magician, I quickly fall asleep with a smile on my face.

But as I awoke from an alarm, I could finally go to school, I got ready and ate a little then left.

There was a car outside, my father had it ready for me, though it was unnecessary I really could just walk to school.

As I opened the car door I ignored the stinging pain in my hands, I got in and closed it.

As I reached school, I bowed to the driver and thanked her, I then walk inside, seeing multiple people.

They then approached me, though I aren't that social, the girls always approach me for being both handsome and having a famous father.

I tried to excuse myself but one of the girl's suddenly grabbed my arm, she then hugged me, I felt shocked nearly about to push her off.

But then I saw a soccer ball being thrown in our direction, "Don't touch anyone without their permission." a boy says catching the ball, I looked at him, his hair already stands out from the rest, bright orange hair.

"Thank you." I bow to him, "No problem." he then passed the ball back and goes inside school, I sigh in relief and walk inside aswell, I then made my way to my classroom.

When I go inside a lot more of the girl's come over to me asking about my father, "Please, go away." I push them aside and I went to my seat.

The teacher arrived and soon started to talk about our current subject, mathematics.

As he started writing on the board I wrote on my notebook very quickly, I continued to look and write.

As class finished I left immediately, next was English, then recess, Musics, P.E and last is science.

I finished my classes very fast, it felt a little too quick, I didn't want to go back home but I had to, I see the same driver with the car waiting outside the school.

I got in and she drove me home, when we arrived I hesitated to go out but then I saw my father waiting, I got out right away.

"You. Practice. Go into the room, now." he says and I proceed to walk there fast.

I sat down and stretched my arms, I then heard a voice behind me, startling me a bit, he told me what to play and I did, listening to his words as always.

We finally finished, it was 22:00, my hands never hurt so much unlike now, I walked to my room and then looked at my phone, waiting for a message to notify me.

I received one and opened it immediately, "Hey, Touya, do you wanna maybe meet up? By the park at saturday?"

"Yeah, sure, what time?" I reply, feeling happy to be near to seeing my friend's face, I've only ever heard voice recorded messages.

"16:00, I'll be by the bench in the middle of the park, find me, alright?"

"Okay!" I typed back, I was nearly about to hug my phone, I grinned like a huge dork and put my phone back, going to sleep.

Tomorrow, it was Saturday.

third person pov:

"Father, can we continue my practice at 6 pm please? I have somewhere to go." he says, "And whats the reason? Nothing could possibly be more important than your practicing."

"Please." he says, "Please? PLEASE?? Is that the only reason you have?" he says raising his hand, Touya closes his eyes, he feels the familiar stinging in his cheek.

He opens his eyes and places his hand over the red and warm spot, he walks away, "You're walking away now huh?" the man shouts, "If you leave dont come back!"

Touya went to his room, he sobbed, he shoved his face into his knees and tried to dry his tears but they just wouldn't stop, he got up, ran to the exit of the house and ran to the park.

As he did he felt tired but kept going, when he reached it he walked inside only going to the middle, when he went through one final pathway, he saw a bright orange hair, he knew he recognized.

"Y-you? You're Akito?" he says, the boy turns around, "Oh? Touya?" he replies back surprised, "You saved me without knowing it was me.."

"Touya, sorry to ask but whats this?" he says pointing to his cheek, Touya then runs to hug Akito, "You know the reason, its always, always him."

Akito hugs him back, "I'm sorry Touya, I hope you feel better soon, you do know right that, you can be yourself anytime you want, you don't have to listen to your father."

"I just- I just can't.." he replies, "Yes you can, I believe in you Touya, from the long time I've known you online, you showed how brave you were."

Touya cries into his chest, Akito patting his back, the boy then looks at him, "C-can I do something?" he sniffles.

"Alright, anything, I'm all yours." Akito says, Touya covers Akito's mouth with his hand and then leans closer, kissing his hand, "Ugh." Akito says pushing his hand out of the way, he then leans in and gives the boy a peck on the lips.

Touya was blushing deeply, smiling happily, "I loved you even though we never knew eachother all that well." he says.

"I love you too."

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