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monster - seulgi, irene


blood moon in 4 days

Souls stolen, blood splattered, and banshee trills, Satan was the most powerful he's ever been, not from choice but his turmoil of rage that soaked every cell of his skin. Satan being devious or downright evil was nothing unique. He bathed in his anger, but today, he had more reasons for such a shift in his humanity— his humanity that was never there.

Under the deary crimson glow of Hell's inferno of a sun, Satan sat bloodlust at the council's table, his hunger almost overwhelming his ego's facade.

"I can imagine we've set up for the Blood Moon, correct?" He sat tall, his voice spine-chilling as the council scurried to answer in their respective seats.

"Yes, Satan, everything is ready." One said.

"We've also imprisoned some already to make it easier, Satan," Another followed.

"Good." Straight to the point, he spoke, his tongue running across his fangs that ached for blood. The man almost twitched in his seat— his insatiable hunger bound to destroy his authority.

"Satan, are you okay?" One of the empresses questioned. Her crimson eyes were a void, with no sense of empathy in her soul, but her care was somehow evident for her leader.

"Empress, I am fine. Have we tracked down Xu Minghao yet? And that little angel sidekick of his?" There it was, that seeping unstoppable anger at the center of his core, the two young adults having such an effect on him, both of their bloodlines pathetic and tiresome.

"Not yet, Satan," the councilman, although a powerful demon, was somewhat afraid to admit their setback. "We haven't heard anything from Mr. Junhui either, Satan."

Satan scoffed, kissing his teeth, "That brat."

The room was deadly silent as everyone could see how Satan seemed to not have control of his son like somehow Jun was not his inferior. It was spine-chilling to watch his gaze darken. With a slam on the table, his rage bubbled past control. They didn't want to reveal more unfortunate news.

"Satan," The same empress spoke, the only one at the table that didn't fear his outburst.

He looked up, his red revenge eyes looking at her with violence etched into them, "Empress?" A vein bulging out of his forehead, his eyebrows sloped down.

"There have been sights of flamed ashes in a small town on Earth. A phoenix must be alive." Her words were clear, the anger present on his face increasing. No control over his movements when she explained.

"A phoenix, I was told the coven eradicated them years ago. A phoenix being alive would be detrimental. How long have you known?" He yelled, standing up from his chair, his energy like a black fog as it expelled out of him.

"We only just confirmed Satan." Her voice was calm. But he impulsively moved towards her in a flash, brooding over her while gripping her neck. Pulling her out of her seat into the air. Her lungs constricted from his touch, the blood of humans inside of her dying with her.

"To not notify me when you became suspicious was your first mistake," Everyone at the table had the urge to stand. But no one was brave enough to fight Satan, knowing it would only be a loss. "Your second mistake was informing me on a day where I can't control my bloodlust Empress."

Before anyone could blink, he reached into her chest, pulling at her heart and pulverizing it in his fist. Her final moment captured shock in her eyes that used to be lifeless.

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