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Mystic Falls*

Ever since finding out that Landon was alive, Hope couldn't bring herself to see him. Instead, her thoughts were taking over her slowly, causing her to lose her balance, as wave of her power struck the school.

"Don't you think you should find out how he's doing? It been a year." Lizzie says, consulting Hope.

"No, I don't. My place is here." Hope tries to convince herself.

"You couldn't be more wrong. Go to him." Lizzie says, turning Hope around, pushing her towards the front of the school.

"Lizzie, I'm sure he's fine." Hope says, turning around to enter the school, but Lizzie stops her putting up a spell over the school.

"This is for your own good." Lizzie says before walking away.

Sighing in defeat, Hope spends the day finding her way to Ringwood.


Davina sighs, trying to contact Aliyah the best way she can. "Anything?" Bonnie says, pacing back and forth.

"No. We've tried everything, and can't get through to her, it's like something in Afterlife is cutting off our connection to her." Davina says, while standing up.

"It's those witches." Kara says, standing in the doorway of the room, tagging along behind her was Shannon.

"Where's Landon?" Bonnie ask in hopes of finding answers, but no one replies.

"What do you mean?" Davina shift into the conversation before, like the teenagers before her.

"The witches she killed when she was brought back, those are the people who are cutting off the connection to Aliyah." Shannon crosses her arms.

"We know for a fact they'd do it, because they want her to suffer." Kara says, as a the room stands still.

"While she's there, they're going to make it feel like hell for her, who know what she's going to be like when she comes back." Davina says, worried about Aliyah's well being.

"If she comes back." Shannon says, turning her head to Aliyah's lifeless body.

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