Overwhelming Hatred

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"kanya ko bulaiye", the loud words of the priest reached all the way to my room, where I, the would-be-bride of the famous business tycoon THE VR was, sitting all alone shedding silent tears on my broken fate.

Ishani, the younger sister of his, arrived at the door to help me come down. With a disinterested hatred look on her face she helped me out of the room towards my awaited doom. standing at the top of the staircase, I risked a look around, there sitting in the middle of hall in front of holy fire waiting for me, the great Vansh Rai Singhania, the monster of my already shredded life. surrounding the mandap(pavilion) stood his family everyone with a look of disgust towards me except his grandmother. The only sweet lady of this family.

It was much clear from the looks of judgment passed on me from everyone, be it his uncle and aunt, the Rudra Rai Singhania or their pervert son Aryan Rai Singhania or his Sweet step mom(note the scarsm) Anupriya Rai Singhania that everyone hates me. They must be under the believe that I performed some kind of black magic on their golden kid, the CEO of their Rai Singhania empire and the only earner of this house to get him to marry me even though reality is anything but that.

Instead of stepping down the stairs towards the mandap, I took a step back as everyone threw draggers at me with their eyes. Being an orphan and not at all rich, I was used to of such kind of unhealthy treatment and tried best to not mind it.

But this is a different situation, these people are gonna be my family, I am about to become their daughter in law. Even the imagination of the kind of hell I would be living in this house is making me weak. My throat parched, as my knees were ready to give up.

Sweats decorated my forehead even the AC was on. It was a small ceremony just family, his family no outside world was invited but even this was becoming too much for me. My breath laboured as I tried to step back even further, Ishani dig her long manicured nails in my elbow, making me wince.

" listen you middle class trash, stop creating a damn scene and walk", she hissed in my ear. I was first confused as no outsider was there to create a scene in front of but then I saw the long line of servants, standing in a corner staring at me with sympathy filled eyes.

But I couldn't care less. I know he was waiting, but I just can't. consequences would be dire refusing but,

"No, No ,No", alarm bells started blaring my head "I cant not do this, no matter what I really can't", I clutched my throat as the possibility of living this marriage and the uncertain dangerous messed up my brain.

Run, Run, Run , is all I could think of as I felt the panic attack building inside me. As Ishani tried to drag me further, freeing my arm from her tight grip, I ran back towards my room the same room I had been living in for the past two weeks. The worried voice of Dadi reached me but I ignored her, maybe the first time ever since I arrived here.

Locking the door, I slide down on the floor right beside bed, with my head between my knees letting out the sob I have been reining in since last night.

I just wanted to disappear, was it too much to ask for. Someone rattled the knob but I didn't move, I knew the door would open any minute now, but still hoping I would be left alone. cursing the day I arrived in this mansion.

As expected, the door slowly opened and then closed, locked from inside but I kept sobbing, not even raising my head to see who it was. Because somewhere I can feel it, it was him, the beast of my life, my tormentor in disguise.

And sure enough, someone removed my hands, raised my head, with my chin caged between his thumb and finger. but I didn't raise my eyes. they were still down.

"sweetheart", as that one word reached me, I instantly surrendered, raising my eyes I stared into his pitch black orbs, with only a strand of my hair flying on my nose, between us.

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