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Was busy with exams guys, that's why a little late.

Anyway, yesterday was the last exam and today is your treat,


The entire staff of VR Enterprise was having an horrifying day. Their highest imagination of earthly bliss was to see at least some emotion on there boss's face. But now that they can actually distinguish a faint curling up of his lips they were aghast.

The fact that he hadn't screamed even at one person, made everyone in the office apprehensive. This unpredictable man is hiccup for everyone. If someday a desert living community discover a pond in their vicinity, they would go berserk, same was the situation with the employees of the VR Enterprise. Everyone knew that the CEO was a moving iceberg that remained unchanged throughout the years. As long as he appeared! it was best to steer clear of him.

But today, a rather calm with a hint of twinkling as his lips were actually lifted upward was shuddering them. Ever since the investors meeting in which he effortlessly acquired the 15 percent shares of overnight bankrupt Mr Aneja, the lightness surrounding his volcanic aura never left.

But this calm and peace were more scary, this news spread like a wild fire of forest and burned the entire building to terrors. Employees were sweating in the chilly December breeze, the light drizzle of rain water dancing on the pavement as if supporting the mood of their king.

Honestly no one knows, this was calm or way too calm, the serenity before the storm. Going towards the exit when the steps of THE CEO, faltered for a few seconds, the breath of entire staff faltered, scared and only regained their consciousness, exhaling loudly, and collectively when Vansh was out of the doors, his goggles hiding his blazing charcoal eyes.

He was supposed to be late today. He was sure of it, that was the reason he gave a call to Riddhima in advance ordering her not to miss her dinner. By now he knew she won't eat until he arrives, not because she was some old fashioned thoughts but because she cares.

But something in him just couldn't let him stay away from today. He just wanted to hold her in his arms again. Last night he couldn't stop himself from shedding his tears. He was just glad he didn't woke her up. Being strong all the time he never realised when his heart turned stone. He was used of venting up on basketball and punching bag, actually pule his eyes.

But the presence of his beauty in his arms just made him human, normal.

So he cancelled all his meetings and decided to surprise her to reach home at normal dinner time. He really wanted to see her reaction. The brightening of her eyes, the curling of her lips, her beating heart. He just wanted to experience everything related to her. Every breath of her, every turn of her, everything of her just for himself.

Last night was a new day, a new beginning for him. The moment Riddhima confessed having met Kabir was a such a new felling that he was left speechless. Something like this has never happened with him. Him, being the VR had always managed to find out all but being told the truth from front was a first for him.

He was staggered. He still couldn't believe all this. He still has some fear buried in a corner, scared that this all is just a dream. He shook his head as the driver applied instant breaks, bringing him out of the lane of his thoughts.

Vansh clenched his fist looking at the heavy traffic outside. He was dying to go home. Fishing out his phone from his coat pocket as he took it off and placed it beside him and pulled out their chat. Finding unread message from her, he clicked it open, eyes twinkling as something twitched in his chest. He placed a hand over his racing heart, lips curled up as he read,

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