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Vansh retracted his raised step as he slid the bathroom door shut. Wheels turning in his brain miles per second. He closed his eyes, weighing the pros and cons as he accessed the situation in his head. He saw only one person but maybe more were out there in hiding, able to get past his security and reach his room, his forbidden floor, which meant, there was a high possibility the Mansion was infiltrated.

His jaw twitched as he thought of his family members alone in their rooms with no idea of possible danger looming over their heads. His muscles were taut as his Adam's apple bobbed, eyes ball of pit fire as everything in him urged him to move out, ripping the soul out of daring rascals who signed over their eternal hell agreement the moment they stepped their feet on the beast's castle, sticking their good for nothing neck inside the lion's den.

His palms fisted, drawing out blood from his scraped knuckles. He ground his teeth, as his demons took charge of his sanity ready to rip the door open, his eyes blazing with fury, the darkness spiraling in them scaring the death to the shadows as the king was ready to unleash his wrath when a soft sigh halted his entire being as he went stiff. Riddhima twisted, sighing as she looped her hands around his neck, curling into his chest.

Vansh closed his eyes, his chest heaving up and down as his eyes landed on his wife. He let go of his fisted palms, his eyes trained over the soft ball of cotton plastered to him, her even breath fanning his neck. Vansh felt himself going weak. His stance relaxed, his blazing eyes swirling back to his charcoal gaze.

His fingers played with the fringe of her wet hair irritating her sound sleep as it dared to hide her beautiful long lids from the hungry eyes of Vansh, fallen on her face. Tucking them behind her ear, he stared at her, this fragile woman, his wife, his woman. His lips parted as his tongue swiped over his bottom lips unconsciously. And for a second, just a second, the entire world faded in the background as he realized how easily she pulled him out of the darkness. This never happened to him before. When he is in the mood to kill, no one can stop him, his sanity just cuts off all its connection with his brain as his rotten soul takes over the charge and the beast he is set on the target.

His eyes were wide, filled with incredulity as he tilted his head, like an animal studying the relaxed features of Riddhima, unable to understand to grasp the reason for her hold on him. His brown creased, lips pursued in thin lines. His brain refusing to coordinate with him, his breath hitched as Riddhima hid her face in his neck, inhaling deeply. Vansh could feel her smile, her lips curling up against his bare skin, happy to be in his arms, even in her unconsciousness making sure he was the one holding her. Vansh felt his lower lid wet as one traitorous tear cascaded down his cheek. In this moment he felt so wanted, so needed. Not for what he could provide the person with but for himself, just himself.

A faint creak sound from the other side of the room broke his trance. He closed his eyes exhaling loudly. Lowering Riddhima on the floor beside the door, her back resting against the wall, he crouched on the floor beside her. Cupping her cheek with one hand, he softly kissed her forehead. His lips lingered there softly as he felt her hands raising to hold his arms. That's when it happened, her hands fell lifeless by her side as he pressed a nerve behind her ear, making her unconscious for a while as he went and took care of the threat. Making her lean back, her head cradled in his palm he stared at her face one last time, strings of apologies playing his rotten soul for knocking her unconscious second time in just one day.

"I am sorry, Sweetheart. I will be right back with you",

That said placed her head gently against the wall, standing up. Walking over to the chest of drawers inside the washroom, he sat on his knees, tilting his hand, his palm facing upwards he slid his hand under the chest of drawers, pressing his palm on a small rectangular space at the bottom of it.

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