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Hey guys,

I am back...

Let's begin:



The loud voice boomed in the entire hall making me flinch as I held onto the railing, almost missing one step while carrying this heavy ass suitcase downstairs, already regretting my decision of avoiding the elevator.

I stared at Vansh standing in the foyer, Angrey, beside him as usual, just one step back. I focused on Vansh as he made his way toward me. It was unusual, but I felt intimidated by every inch of the gap he diminished between us. The air left me as his gaze cut through my soul. The air around us felt thick as suffocation swamped its way into my already worn-out lungs. It's like he's punched by someone in the stomach.

He was glaring at me with an intensity I have not seen before, his eyes wild, wide, angry, and kind of scared. It was like a predator to its prey, the Lion about to pounce on the lamb but worried the lamb might get away. I shivered as the temperature around us dropped to negative. Him being my predator, the thought is so horrific, I feel my throat swell and ache as a huge knot forms there, almost choking me, matching the fear that balled tightly in my stomach. Did he find out I searched his study?

Vansh reached me, I took a step back out of instinct and the look on his face was clear he didn't like me moving away, snatching the suitcase from my hand he pushed it behind him, it went toppling down the stairs, clothes flying in all directions but I was too scared to even move let alone make a sound. My breath catches in my throat, and my heart starts thumping so loud that I swear I felt it's going to crash. The Bandaged cold weight of his hand wrapped around my throat tight enough for I could feel the force of each distinct finger, one arm snaked around my waist as he plastered me to himself. I was hyper-aware of every bone in him touching me and his eyes trained on me, penetrating me, I felt naked beneath his dark gaze.

I felt his breath caressing my lips as a hiss escaped while I whimpered, my toes barely touching the ground my neck was on full display as he pulled me up. My hands were holding onto his biceps for support, I was so intoxicated, my senses refusing to support me, putty in his hands, why does this man have such an effect on me?

He pulled me up even further, hurting me physically but I just don't know why I didn't struggle. There was something there in the air, both of us wrapped in our bubble, something heady and intoxicating. It was the greedy drag of breath I swallowed before he squeezed my neck even tighter.

We were staring at each other. His expression is raw, full of some unnamed emotion. It Could be fear, affection... or is it love? No, it can't be love, if he loves me why would he do something like that to me what I found in his office?

But what I did know was that this man wouldn't hurt me, even if he has to burn the world instead.


I rasped. His fingers loosened around my neck to a soft collar so I could breathe just fine.

"Kya hai yeh sab?"

(You got a death wish I don't know about?),

he demanded. I gulped the heat his tone erupted in me, setting me ablaze, his voice menacingly quiet, his face scrutinizing mine. My eyebrows lowered as every nerve in me twitched, and I squeezed my eyes shut, my nose wrinkled, while I clamped my teeth to escape the pain as he subtly pressed my pulse on my neck, It was as if he wanted to punish me for my stupidity in the same breath he wanted to be the only one ever responsible for my pain.

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