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Vansh's scream pierced the wind. Gun dropped from his hand as he ran, taking Riddhima in his arms before she could hit the ground. His entire being shook with the chilling realization as if a bucket of ice was poured over him, his knees hitting the ground, his sweetheart in his arms. He cupped her cheek with one hand, staring into her drooping eyes as her lids finally fell, her lashes hugging each other.

His whole existence froze, bloodshot eyes wide stuck on the beautiful face of his wife as her head went limp against his shoulder.

"Riddhima, Riddhima aankhein Kholo, aankhein Kholo Riddhima...",

(Riddhima, open your eyes, open your eyes...),

He screamed, ordering her, his voice frantic as he shook her badly. Feeling his palm getting slick, he raised his shaking hand to his face, the crimson liquid splashed against it like a spilled on canvas. His breath ragged, and that organ in his chest, which was throbbing went still as Riddhima lay like some rag-lifeless doll in his arms.

She was lifeless and no matter how much he called for her, all he received was silence. Her shoulder was smeared in blood, her lips faltered with every breath.

"Nahi, aisa nahi ho sakta, tum nahi jaogi kahi nahi jaogi mujhe chorkar. Ijazat nahi hai tumhe, utho",

(No, this is not true. You can't leave me, you won't. You don't have the right to leave me, wake the hell up.)

Vansh heard a gun cocking sound as a hard metal nuzzle was pushed against the back of his head. His eyes flashed with burn, and his lips were drawn back in a furious snarl. He growled, raising his head, bringing his angel to his chest he turned his head very painfully slow. The gun placed on the back of his head was shaking and so was the bastard who dared to raise it.

Vansh smirked, as he closed his eyes for a fraction, letting go of his sanity. His demon who was beating against the restrains like some rioting prisoner was let free. Placing Riddhima on the ground, in a flash he took out the knife hidden in his sock, a wrenching scream filling the monotonous gush of the hot wind as Vansh severed the hand of the bastard in one clean swipe, standing and turning to face the hundreds of guns pointing at him with a ferocious growl. The beast was out of the cage and all these, standing with guns, who thought having these toys in their hands would help them take down the KING, who dared hurt his queen, were going to be punished, by her devil.


The full chapter is on its way.

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