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Happy Holi to all........





I stirred, my breaths small. Forcing my droopy lashes to pry but failed miserably. My heart starts to race, and my mouth fills with saliva, a numbing sensation I've never experienced. My head is ringing, and my sight blurs. I find myself releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding, quickly inhaling again, desperate for air. Someone was here, standing over me, peering down at my helpless form with a cackling glint in those devil eyes.

The room was dimly lit, with shadows dancing along the edges of the walls. I tried to move, to give even a slight inch of momentum to my body but all I feel is numbness.

"Riddhima, diary kaha hai?"

(Riddhima, where is the diary?)

A loud echo resonated, piercing the deadly silence as the hand of the solitary figure standing over me made sharp contact with my cheek. I stirred, but my brain refused to function, it was like the body was drained of any semblance of energy. Each breath was a struggle as if the weight of the world rested upon my chest.

"Riddhima, hey diary kaha hai? Ajay ki likhi diary kaha hai?"

(Riddhima, hey, where is the diary, Where's Ajay's diary?)

I could hear the voice ringing in my ears, but no words reached me. My panting breaths getting shorter with the ticking clock. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, the minutes dragged on like heavy chains. I tried moving my arms, but the limbs felt like lead, weighed down by an unseen force. It was as though an invisible hand was pressing down upon me, crushing my spirit and draining my vitality.

My head was lolling side by side as sharp pain stung me like needles. Thoughts flickered in and out of my mind like distant echoes. Memories surfaced, and nightmares burned the lanes of thoughts, blurred and fragmented as if they belonged to another lifetime. How did I become so utterly depleted, so devoid of strength?

My throat parched as I lay still, vulnerable. The world continued to spin, as my eyes struggled to lock with the present, forcing my trembling brain fighting the silent struggle within these walls to return to the present. But every attempt to rise was met with defeat, as my body refused to obey the commands of my mind.

A loud groan of frustration made me flinch with dread as another loud slap landed on my cheek and loud voices filled the room. Bouncing off my ears when the word "Diary" stuck with me,

"Riddhima, btao mujhe tumahre kamry mai nakli diary kisny rakhi? Ajay ki diary kaha hai? Bta"

(Riddhima, tell me. Who placed the fake diary in your room? Where the hell did you hide Ajay's diary? Tell me...)

In the stillness of the room, a sense of despair hung heavy in the air. It was a suffocating weight, pressing down upon my chest with relentless force as if felt hands wrapped around my throat, pressing hard. I gasped loudly, each shallow breath felt like a battle won, a small victory in the face of overwhelming odds.

Lashes jumping up and down, in and out of focus when I met them, the pair of sinister devil eyes, staring right into mine, reading my soul, forcing my lashes open and I, I stared back. Unable to focus or respond, filled deep with a sensation I've never felt before, which to my disbelief, keeps intensifying. It scares me a little. I've only been once like this before, the worst night of my life, the worst fucking night for any girl when the truth of my so-called foster family, my oh-so-sweet brother came to light for me. The day he finally unleashed the animal in him and I was stuck, rooted, tied in front of him, vulnerable.

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