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I pressed my chest again, massaging it lightly but the subtle ache I had been feeling for the past three days still lingered. The air of uncertainty I'm engulfed with is getting thicker and thicker with every second.

Vansh disappeared on me after that night, past four days, all I did was waiting. But he never came back. I was so nervous that I couldn't gather the courage to give him a call or even send him a text. Last time we..., my hands involuntarily moved to my lips. I have no idea what came over me, I'm not disgusted by his touch that much I know and when he was so close, I just decided to loose myself in him. The way he took my side, the way he stood up for me surely made my heart beat.

But, he pretty much passed out right after we kissed and the very next day he was gone. Bed was clear, no sign of him anywhere. It took me hardly one hour to come down, I wanted to see him before he leaves, just one glance would be enough was my only thought. I remember the giddiness I felt that morning, the smile that just didn't leave my face even during the shower. My fingers kept lingering on my lips, how I keep licking them. I could still feel his touch on them at that time. I wanted to wake up to his face but the crushing disappointment came crashing on me. All day I waited for his call or even a simple text but nothing.

Seconds turned into hours and hours turned into days, the giddiness was replaced with this stinging, smile turned down, and glittery eyes were replaced with pearls of tears. I cried myself to sleep daily. I can't believe, just four days back I was on cloud nine and now just fear, that seems to have swiped into my bones turning me frigid with anxiety.

It felt like nothing happened. All this is making me feel so insecure that this stinging sensation, this uneasiness had just crept into my heart and created a home their. I can't help but crawl back to the same first day of our marriage, and my resolve was getting weaker which in itself was another scare.

My eyes welled up again. It's been four days, four days for gods sake I last heard from my so called husband. Many things changed in these days, I shifted Sia's room from the ground floor where only her and Mumyji's room was to one of the guest rooms on the fourth floor where my and Vansh's bedroom is.

Mumyji was so upset about this entire thing, she was looking as if she wanted to rip me apart, but I'm a quick learner too and taking a leaf from her own book I did mind blowing drama of being worried for her and as a good responsible daughter-in-law to share her burden I would be taking care of Sia from now on. Me being a doctor came in handy and no one objected, not even Ishani whom I thought would be the biggest hurdle in my way. Maybe she saw the way Sia was clinging to my arm when Mumyji approached her. God knows what happened with Sia but from that moment I understood that mumyji Is somewhat responsible for it.

I got the staff to turn half of the terrace into a garden, where I daily spend quality time with Sia, help her exercise, just sit and talk, whatever comes to my mind. I was slowly trying to make her realise I am there for her and would protect her from now on.

I just spent my night and days talking to Sia, reading her books from Vansh's library, watching comedy movies or we can say me watching and Sia just staring at the TV with the same emotionless face.

Or doing therapy sessions with her. Though I hardly felt any improvement in Sia's health but now I see a difference in her poker face too. Earlier it used to be caution from something I have a faint idea of who it might be but now, there is serenity in her eyes.

"Aaj ki date may cahi milegi ya nhi?",

(What's taking so long for the tea?)

the loud shrill of chachi ji broke my trance. Wiping my cheeks, I batted my eyes, desperate to remove any trace of pain my heart was getting overwhelmed with.

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