My kid hubby

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Hey Guys, Interview went awesome, waiting for the result,

Thank you for all your wishes...

A few hours Ago:

Vansh left her hand as soon as they stepped inside the confines of their room. Riddhima stood silent, staring at the broad back of her husband as she plastered herself to the door. She gulped visibly, her eyes following Vansh walking over to his side of the bed, crouching down he took out a key from the front pocket of his coat, putting it in the keyhole of the bottom drawer of the bedside table, he opened the drawer, keeping the gun in, he shut it, closing it, while keeping the key in the top drawer leisurely.

All this time, Riddhima's eyes never wavered, without a blink, her breath held together as she stared at the ease with which Vansh was handling a gun. Vansh stands up, rubbing his forehead with his palm, his breath heavy.

While Riddhima was easily transported back to the first morning of her marriage, the gunshot sound, the strange behavior of Mrs. D'Souza, the gun in Vansh's hand she saw for the first time, the blood trail she saw servants cleaning from the backyard to the main door of the VR Mansion, the blood she found on Vansh's sleeves while sorting the laundry, with everything going on she almost forgot all of these, keeping it in a chamber of her unconscious brain part she decided to focus on present back then.

She was also a bit scared of Vansh at that time, worried about how he might treat her and that her entire life would be gloomy dead of night. That her marriage would be nothing but a deal she made to safeguard her best friend Sejal's life.

But reversed to everything her over-sensitive mind could imagine, despite a few hiccups Vansh proved to be anything but the monster she made him out to be. But today she was forced to walk down the lane of memories she shut the door off because of this gun. So many questions were there in her heart, but she was scared to give them a voice and ruin everything.

Riddhima inhaled sharply, Vansh still had his back towards her as he took off his coat and threw it on the bed, taking tentative steps towards him, she placed a hand on her shoulder when a shriek escaped her as Vansh held her shoulders, pushing her back pinning her to the wall right beside the window facing their bed, Vansh hovered over her staring down at her with raged eyes, Riddhima clutched her eyes shut, her face contorted as Vansh,

"Tum chup ku thi? huh? Bola kuch ku nahi?"

(Why were you silent? huh? Why didn't you reply to her?)

screamed in her face. Riddhima slowly lifted her lashes, taking a peek at him, she gulped seeing the anger swirling in Vansh's eyes, his sharp-edged jaw clenched, his veins popping out of his temple,


(Speak up dammit,)

Riddhima flinched, coming out of her trance as Vansh bawled, hitting the wall beside her head,

"Vansh, please",

her voice was quieter as she whispered. Pinching her chin, he locked their gazes, raising his brows,

" Kyu kuch nahi bola, ku chup chap sun rahi thi, bolna nahi aata? ku?"

(Why, Why didn't you reply something to her? Why the hell were you standing like a fucking statue with a bowed head? Why?)

Riddhima licked her dry lips before exhaling loudly. Raising her shivering hands haltingly she cupped his face, recalling her mantra, only water can extinguish a fire, only calmness can diminish anger, The mantra she held onto her entire life to be able to escape difficult situations with her presence of mind,

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