I am sorry King...

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Hey guys, Enjoy the next one:


Vansh shook his head, clutching his eyes shut before opening them again, trying to get rid of the sleep as his phone bellowed the dark foyer. He looked down at his wife sleeping soundlessly on his chest. The couch was too damn small for just him and having her on the top of him, there was hardly any room for movement. Shaking his head again, he outstretched his palm towards the table to pick up his blaring phone, wounding his other arm around Riddhima's waist to keep her safely attached to his chest.

He looked at the screen, his eyes darting towards the numbers on the top,

3:30 AM

He frowned, why was Angrey calling him this late? Is everything alright at Mansion?

The phone buzzed again, Angrey's name on the display, he sighed, sliding the icon towards green he held the phone to his ear to hear Angrey's urgent voice on the other side,

"Mansion under attack"

Vansh's face was blank as he heard the urgency in Angrey's tone but his eyes went a deeper shade of black as fury prompted every breath of his. Like every time, his hunch was correct he knew his enemy would strike today. Good, he already placed Angrey in position. Before Vansh could answer, the phone buzzed with a loud screeching sound making him scrunch his eyes shut as he instantly removed it from his ear. Shaking his ear with his other hand he brought the screen to his eyes only to find it turned pitch black, the phone was switched off.

He frowned, his one brow raised upward in a perfect V-curve as the meaning of this sank into his bones. It was not only Mansion that was under attack, they were coming for him. His eyes fluttered down, stopping at his wife, sprawled on him without a care in the world. Her hands limp, she was snoring softly, her mouth slightly ajar drooling all over his chest as her face was hidden in his neck. Holding onto Riddhima's waist gently, he pursed his lips turning both in one swift motion as he turned them around. Carefully standing up he laid Riddhima on the couch. She curled into a fetal position, palms tucked under her head. Vansh's eyes settled on her sleeping face, as he shrugged his hands out of the sleeves of his coat jacket covering her with it. He leaned forward, kissing her temple softly as he felt Riddhima sigh, her lips curling up in her sleep but the dried tears on her cheeks stomping at Vansh's soul. He fisted his palm, steeping away, he walked towards the large window beside the main door, parting the down blinds ever so lightly he moved his hawk-like eyes in all directions. He felt a tightening in his chest as his sharp eyes and quick brain deciphered what was going on.

It is said some people's sixth sense heightened during times of danger and someone like Vansh, who had spent almost his entire life surrounded by danger, always knew it before it could reach him. The echoing footsteps walking stealthily in their direction, surrounding the bungalow, the hushed voices throwing commands, the light emitting off their night vision devices as they moved around. Vansh cussed under his breath for getting rid of his security details earlier. All he wanted was peaceful alone time with his wife, but he forgot one thing, peace is not something designed for him, chaos is his life.

He fisted his palm, and his steps hurried towards the main door, making sure the lock was tight. Rushing towards the cabinet in a corner he emptied the bottom drawer, taking out the two 9mm handguns and pistol bullets he filled the magazines hiding the guns in the waistband of his pants behind his back as he straightened up. Walking towards Riddhima, he leaned his face near hers as he shook her shoulders lightly.

"Riddhima, utho",

(Riddhima, wake up,)

Riddhima stirred, her eyes snapped open, meeting Vansh's. She frowned, though Vansh's face was blank but something was different, there was tension brewing up under his lids, and his orbs were fuming, swirling with a craving for something. She shook her head, sitting up as Vansh made her wear his jacket that she was covered with, and kneeled in front of her to strap her heels.

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