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Riddhima's brows furrowed, the whimpers pricking her ears as she clutched her eyes shut, prying them open with all her might. The low rumbling thudding against her ears came from Vansh sleeping beside her. His right hand was loosely draped around her waist, while the left one was on her head, her hair still wrapped around his fist. Like always, she was plastered to his chest. Their legs entangled, and both her hands circled his shoulders. She could feel the hammering of his heart with hers, just a sheet covering them as Riddhima realized with a start they were skin to skin.

Riddhima felt completely disoriented, the memory of his hands her neck, pressing her into the mattresses as he pounded inside her. The way he pushed her against the wall in the shower, his dick still inside her, hot rod rearranging her wanton pussy. Yes, they did end up in the shower sometimes during the middle or maybe it was the couch.

The way he left marks all over her skin, the way he ate her, chanting like a mantra that she belongs to him, that she belongs with him. Every indecent kiss, every sinful moan. The way he groped her in places, running his hands all over the body. The way he gave special attention to her breasts taking his sweet time with them, torturing the hell out of her.

She didn't know why, she didn't know how but when Sia woke her up purposefully, begging her to stop Vansh from killing Ishani. The fact that he was ready to squeeze the life out of his sister because she might have hurt her aroused a fire in her like lightning across a dark sky. She'd never been a sexual aggressor. Hell, sex was never a topic of discussion for her. Just a petty knowledge that it exists. My frozen body flowed molten lava scorching her deep igniting a need in her. A need to pepper his bearded face with kisses, to run her hands all over his beautifully canvassed body after tearing his clothes just like every time he tore her panty before eating her. To get impaled on his thick cock, swimming in the sea of euphoria until all she can think of was him, all she can feel was him. All that is left for her was him.

("Haven't you heard sweetheart? Never judge a man by his kinks")

The answer he gave me to my question painted me deep red all over not just my face heating my puffy cheeks as I squirmed under his dark gaze much to his amusement.

God, she closed her eyes trying her best to shake away the memories of the second-best night of her life. Or maybe not night this time, she thought squinting her eyes at the possible light behind the closed window in front wall of their bed.

But she had no time to ponder, his thudding heart was going miles, fighting against the constraints binding it inside his chest. He was sweating intemperate. She slowly pulled out her one hand, placing it on his shoulder, pushing him back just a bit as she leaned back to see his face. Her eyes went wide, his face, which was relaxed and vulnerable in sleep was contorted, his jaw clenched. His eyes were sealed, crease was prominent on his forehead. And his whole face was covered in sweat. Riddhima felt him start to shake as his breath increased rapidly.

As his hold around her waist tightened, Riddhima's reverie broke. She held Vansh's shoulder, shaking him very slowly. She tried to remove his hand from her waist when


Vansh pulled him impossibly close in his sleep. His head shook vigorously as he started to convulse screaming no constantly, tossing and turning in bed he began to hit his head on the pillow, Riddhima's heart constricted, seeing him writhing in agony. All her cries were falling on deaf ears as the whirlpool of his nightmare kept sucking his consciousness away. He had begun making little gasping sounds in his sleep, his lids seeming to fight to separate, his eyes darting back and forth behind his shut eyelids.

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