Chapter 46 - Unpleasant Surprise

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Upon hearing the signal that they had reached their destination, Leebo pulled the lever and the Outrider fell back in real space.
Dash gave his wife a kiss and went to the cockpit. After Leebo made way, Rendar settled down in the pilot's seat and noticed with relief that Nar Shaddaa's orbit was clear of Imperial ships. He hoped that Mako Spince had reached their friends on the Smuggler's Moon and that they would welcome them with open arms.

Meanwhile Nomi got out of bed, showered and changed into clean clothes. A look into the makeshift crib showed her that the triplets were fast asleep. They huddled together as they would have done in her stomach. There would always be a bond between them.
She smiled and went to the cockpit after activating the intercom to monitor the babies.
Dash turned his head as he heard soft footfalls.
"Almost there, honey," he said, hearing Nar Shaddaa's ground control just give permission to land.
"Wonderful," replied his wife, sitting down in the navigator's seat and buckled up.
She was looking forward to meeting their mutual friends and seeing their reaction to the babies.

It didn't take long and the Outrider landed smoothly in the assigned landing bay. Her crew unbuckled and Dash went to the bunk to pick up the crate the babies were in. The triplets were awake and squinted in the light.
"Hello, sweeties, papa is here. It's time to show you to some friends," he said, taking the crate and carrying it carefully to the hatch.
Nomi pushed the button, the hatch opened while the ramp lowered at the same time. Her husband went down the ramp first, followed by her and Leebo who brought up the rear.
Dash Rendar smiled widely when he saw that their friends were already there, waiting for them.
Shug Ninx approached them first after they stood on the ground.
"Welcome back to Nar Shaddaa," the talented spaceship mechanic said. "It's been a long time since we last saw you, Nomi."
He took the young woman in a hug, but when he saw the triplets in the crate Dash was carrying, he let go of Nomi and frowned. The change in his mood was significant.
"Have you changed your profession, Dash? Trafficking in children? Know what? We don't need such scum here on Nar Shaddaa. Just turn around and go before I get carried away," he said angrily.
Dash couldn't help but laugh at his old friend's sudden fuss.
"Calm down, Shug," the former mercenary finally said. "It's not what you think it is. You should know me better, after all these years, my friend."
Dash put the crate down and took Nomi's hand.
"Nomi and I are now married and what you think of as commodities are our three sons. They were due a standard month later and were to be born on Corellia. A heavy Imperial presence prevented our landing and the triplets arrived sooner than expected. They were born in hyperspace and it was a tough job for both of us. We need a place where Nomi can recover from the birth."
The Rogue Squadron pilot gave his friend a winning smile and winked at Nomi.

Talon Karrde, who had accompanied Shug, patted the mechanic on the shoulder and grinned. Then he talked to his friends.
"Congratulations to you both," he said, glancing at the three boys in the crate.
He was about to say more but was cut off by a tall black haired woman who rushed up to Dash, hugged him and kissed him.
"You're finally back, Dash. I missed you so much," the young woman said, clinging to Nomi's husband's neck.
Dash's wife stood staring at the scene before her, unable to believe her eyes. Now she knew why Shug remarked that it had been a long time since they had last seen her. Her, but not Dash, he must have been here not too long ago.
Meanwhile, her husband tried desperately to push the woman aside. Finally he succeeded and he looked at his wife. Dash felt as if someone had pulled the rug out from under his feet, but finally he found his tongue.
"Salla Zend is an old friend of mine," he said sheepishly. "Salla, this is my wife Nomi."
The young woman raised an eyebrow as she looked at Nomi.
"Your wife? You didn't tell me you were married, Dash."
Nomi Darklighter glared at her husband.
"I'm not as stupid as you think. Now I know where you were when I thought you were dead. While I mourned you, you were enjoying yourself here on Nar Shaddaa. Now I see how much your vow of love is worth," she said calmly, but inside she was seething.
She turned round on her heel and started to leave, but Dash grabbed her arm.
"Please let me explain, Nomi."
His wife shook off his hand.
"Don't touch me, Dash! There is nothing to explain! What I saw is obvious! You cheated on me! I never want to see you again!"
"Please listen to him, Nomi. It's the least you can do," Talon Karrde intervened.
The Rogue Squadron pilot took a deep breath.
"Okay," she finally said, pulling her husband to a corner of the landing bay to have more privacy for such a conversation.

Dash was glad his wife was willing to listen. He was aware he had made a big mistake, but there was no way to undo it. He sat down on a crate and pointed to the spot next to him.
"Please take a seat, Nomi."
His wife complied, but left some space between them. Rendar sighed, but then he began to speak.
"After my stupid idea to get out of your life, Leebo and I roamed the galaxy. Wherever we went, we didn't stay long. Before I fell in love with you, I was fine with only Leebo keeping me company. Now I realized that it wasn't enough. Those months and weeks were damn lonely, but I didn't dare to come back to you. Even if you don't believe me, I missed you very much, Nomi."
"Oh, I get it now, Dash. That's why you cheated on me," Nomi interrupted with a sarcastic undertone.
He looked at her with a hurt expression, but he knew he deserved to be treated like that.

"Please let me continue," he asked pleadingly. It was hard enough for him already.
"One evening I couldn't stand the loneliness anymore and went to a cantina here on Nar Shaddaa. I had been drinking quite a bit when Salla joined me. She was no stranger to me.
Kark, Nomi, I'm a man and I have needs. The many lonely days and just happened. When I sobered up the next morning, I woke up next to Salla, horrified at what I had done. I hastily left the room and headed to the spaceport to get my ship ready for launch. There is no one who could replace you."
Nomi looked at her husband thoughtfully and was about to answer when Salla Zend walked over.
"I don't want to disturb you, but I don't think I should remain silent any longer. If he told you about the night he met me in a cantina...nothing happened. Dash was too drunk, passed out as soon as we were in my bedroom and was gone when I woke up in the morning," Salla cast a glance at Dash and then at Nomi.
"So it was much ado about nothing?" The young pilot started laughing.
"I didn't cheat on Nomi?" Dash felt embarrassed and relieved at the same time.
"You didn't, my friend," came Salla Zend's reply promptly.
"To be honest I don't remember anything, Salla. Thank you for telling my wife the truth," the former mercenary said with a smile.

Noticing the change in mood, Shug Ninx and Talon Karrde came over, leaving Leebo to watch over the triplets, who were fast asleep.
"Well, now that everything is settled between you two, maybe we can go to my place. You will live at my headquarters. Everything is already prepared," Karrde said and made a hand sign at Leebo to pick the crate up.
Nomi and Dash stood up. Hand in hand, they followed their friends out of the landing bay, while Leebo carried the precious cargo.

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