Chapter 47 - Past and Future

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Nomi and Dash had been on Nar Shaddaa for two months already and enjoyed Talon Karrde's hospitality.

The young mother had recovered well after the birth and the triplets thrived. Nomi was feeding Dash Jr. when she noticed that his eye color had changed from a light blue to brown. Glancing over at her husband who was rocking Biggs and Corran, she saw that their eyes were the same. All three already had a tuft of brown, curly hair.
Her eldest gave a loud burp when he was full. Nomi carried her son over to the crate and tucked him in. Then she took Biggs from his father's arms and sat back down on the couch and started feeding him. The little boy began to suckle eagerly, while his mother watched him lovingly.
"I wonder why they have brown hair since we're both redheads, darling," she said thoughtfully, looking at her husband.
Dash kissed his youngest on the forehead before answering.
"It seems that our sons take after their late great-grandfather, Halcyon Rendar. We had a holo of him at home, showing a handsome, tall man with brown eyes and brown, curly hair. He was a Jedi Master who fought alongside General Skywalker and General Kenobi in the Clone Wars."
"You told me about your grandfather and that he was killed during the Purge, but neither that he fought in the Clone Wars nor that he knew the two generals," his wife said, patting Biggs lightly as the little fella fell asleep under feeding. Soon he continued to suckle. "And you never told me how he died."
As soon as she said that, she wondered if she had gone too far.

Her husband took a deep breath. It was obvious how difficult it would be for him to tell about his grandfather's death. But Dash saw how important it was to Nomi.
"I was too young to remember, but my father told me about it."
Dash hesitated for a fraction of a second before he continued.
"Halcyon Rendar was a Jedi Master respected by all. When Palpatine proclaimed himself Emperor, my grandfather feared the worst, or perhaps he had foreseen the coming events through the Force. Unfortunately Halcyon was right. The Jedi were declared public enemies and the Purge began.
My grandfather went into hiding, but it was in vain. One of the Emperor's henchmen named Darth Vader, who was rumored to be a former pupil of General Kenobi, tracked him down and turned him in. Halcyon was brought to the Emperor in a special cage designed to hold Jedi captive. Do you really want to know everything, Nomi?"
His wife nodded and he swallowed hard, glancing at his youngest who had fallen asleep in his arms. One could see how hard it was for him to tell how his grandfather died.
"The Emperor was known for his perverse delight in cruelty. Grandfather was taken to the great throne room of the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, which was the former Jedi Temple. He was still in the Jedi cage. His execution was to be a highlight of the Emperor's birthday celebrations. My parents and grandmother were forced to watch," Dash's voice dropped to a whisper. "They sent a torture droid in the cage, but grandfather endured the torture with stoic calm. He was bleeding from multiple wounds and his clothes were torn to shreds. Grandfather didn't make a sound the whole time. It sure was disappointing for the Emperor.
Eventually he motioned to his guards and they ended Halcyon's life with blaster fire.
A few seconds after his body was gone and only the tattered clothes were left in the cage.
This is what my father told me."
He looked at Corran in his arms who was fast asleep.
"Our sons will have a better fate than their great-grandfather. I'm sure of it," Dash said, rocking his youngest son.

Nomi had trouble coping with Dash's tale. She swallowed hard and glanced at Biggs, who had fallen asleep obviously sated. Something was nagging at her, something Dash had once told her.
"After what you just told me, I can't understand why you wanted to become a soldier of the Empire. You even enrolled in the Imperial Academy on Carida, Dash," she said while taking Biggs to the crate, where she laid him by his older brother's side.
Her husband rose and brought Corran, who was being fed before his brothers, to the crate and laid him beside them. Dash then wrapped his arm around Nomi's waist and led her back to the couch, where he sat and pulled her onto his lap. He needed this closeness right now.
"I know it sounds strange, Nomi, but at the time I didn't know what happened to my grandfather. My father never spoke to me about the incident, until my brother Stanton's fatal accident when his ship crashed into the Imperial Museum, for which my family was exiled from Coruscant and I was expelled from the academy."
He paused for a moment before continuing.
"When I told my father that I wanted to go to the Imperial Academy, he didn't put any obstacles in my way. At that time I was still very naive and inexperienced in every respect. I didn't realize how corrupt and morally depraved the Galactic Empire is.
If my father had told me I would have never joined the ranks of its military. But he didn't and later I was very angry with him for keeping his mouth shut all the time. Now I understand why he acted the way he did. He wanted to protect me by not telling me what happened to my grandfather."
He kissed his wife tenderly and caressed her cheek.
"I love you, Nomi, and I'll do everything in my power to make you happy and to protect you and our children."

Nomi was about to give in to her husband's endearment when her comm went off.
She took the call and smiled when she heard Luke Skywalker's voice.
"Hello, Nomi, hello, Dash. Congratulations on the birth of the triplets," he said cheerfully.
"How do you know they're already born, Luke?" Dash asked in astonishment. "Nobody knows of their birth except our friends here."
"You fathered three Force-sensitive children, Dash," the young Jedi chuckled. "I felt them faintly all the time, but one day they shone brightly in the Force, this must have been the day they were born. I would have contacted you earlier but there were some issues with our mission at Bakura. But in the end everything went quite well. But I'll tell you about that another time."
Nomi had overheard the conversation, but now she wanted to talk to her childhood friend as well.
"Thank you, Luke. The triplets were a bit early, but they're healthy and growing very well."
She glanced at the chrono.
"I'm sorry but we must finish our conversation. It's late here on Nar Shaddaa and we want to get some sleep before our sons wake up. Until then and may the Force be with you, my friend."
"Understandable," Luke replied. "May the Force be with you too."
Then he cut the connection and there was only static.

Nomi deactivated the comm and pocketed it. Dash smiled at his wife, picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.
After getting ready for the night, Nomi climbed into bed and slid under the blanket. Dash followed her and took her in his arms.
"How do you feel about having another child, love? I don't want the triplets to be our only children," he whispered in Nomi's ear and continued without waiting for her reaction. "With luck it will be a daughter this time, a little girl who is as beautiful and smart as her mother."
Nomi had no idea how to answer. She turned and met her husband's eyes while contemplating how she could refuse his wish without hurting him.
"Did you even listen to me, Nomi?"
"Yes, Dash. I would also like to have a little girl..."
Her husband wouldn't let her finish the sentence and wanted to take action, but she stopped him.
"But not now," she finished and moved out of his arms. "We should wait until after the war. You know the triplets weren't planned."
Dash was disappointed as he had hoped that Nomi would want another child as soon as possible. He slid out of bed, grabbed the beddings and walked into the living room where he lay down on the couch.
Nomi hurried after him.
"I thought you would understand, Dash," she said in a soft voice.
"Yes, I understand. You don't love me, Nomi. You probably only stayed with me because you were pregnant. Admit you would have preferred Wedge if it weren't for the triplets. An Alliance commander is far better than a former mercenary and smuggler."
There was so much bitterness in his voice.
"That's not true and you know it, Dash. I didn't mean to tell you but it's thanks to Wedge that we're married now. When you came back I wanted to break up with you because of your lie. When we thought you were dead, Wedge declared his love to me. He wanted to marry me and be a good father to the triplets. Wedge didn't care that they weren't his own flesh and blood. I turned down his proposal because I couldn't love him as much as I love you, Dash," she paused for a moment before continuing. "When you told him about our argument we had the night after your return, it was Wedge who came to see me in the morning. But instead of taking advantage of the situation, he spoke in your favor. He convinced me that you're the man who was meant for me. It must have been difficult for him to do that."

"Forgive me, Nomi."
Noticing that his wife was shivering, Dash lifted the blanket invitingly.
Nomi moved over, lay down and snuggled up to him on the narrow couch while her husband pulled the blanket over them.
"I was unfair to you. But you also have to understand me. I've been through so many bad things in my life. With you and the children I finally found peace. It would be my greatest happiness to have a daughter and see her grow up. I'm afraid that after the war it will be too
late for another child. It may be years befo..."
Nomi put her index finger to his mouth.
"No more talking, darling," she smiled at her husband. "Let's try to have another baby."

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