Chapter 95 - The Verdict

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Nomi's husband went to court every day to attend the trial of Tycho Celchu. After the long conversation with his wife a few days ago, he was no longer convinced of the man's guilt. Now the last day of the trial dawned.

The Jedi woke up when she heard the bathroom door open. Dash was already up and she enjoyed the sight of him walking into the bathroom. Nomi yawned and stretched as she listened to the shower and her husband whistling the New Republic anthem. After a while, Dash got out of the shower, dried himself, left the bathroom and got dressed while his wife sat on the bed and watched him.
The former mercenary smiled at her before turning serious.
"Today the verdict will be passed, darling," he said, fastening the last button on his dress uniform.
"I know," his wife replied.
"Honestly, things aren't looking good for Tycho. There was no one who could exonerate him," Dash sighed before continuing. "If there is no miracle, he will be sentenced to death, Nomi."
Hearing this, his wife swallowed hard.
"Wedge tried everything to find evidence for the defense but had no success. I still have doubts about Tycho's guilt," she said and looked at her husband.
Dash nodded his head.
"I know, but it seems there's a lot of evidence of his guilt."
He looked at his chrono.
"The court session is about to begin, darling. So I don't have time for breakfast. A protein bar for on the go will have to suffice."
He walked up to his wife and kissed her. Then he left while Nomi got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She was in a somber mood at the thought that an innocent man might be sentenced to death.

Nomi and the triplets had finished breakfast and the boys were going into the children's room with some fruit when Dash came back. His wife was surprised that he came back so early and looked at him expectantly.
"Was the verdict reached that quickly? I was hoping they would take more time."
Her husband sat down next to her and poured himself a mug of caf.
"Didn't you see it in the Holonet News, Nomi?"
The Jedi shook her head.
"Tycho had the best defense witness imaginable, Nomi," her husband said smiling.
Nomi looked at him questioningly. Dash seemed to be talking to her in riddles.
"Yes, Nomi," Rendar continued. "The victim himself testified on his behalf."
His wife still didn't understand what he meant.
"Did they finally find Corran's body, Dash?"
"No, not Corran's body," Dash laughed. "The murder victim appeared in person in the courtroom."
The Jedi looked at her husband in surprise.
"Yes, Corran Horn is alive, Nomi. He looked pretty ragged and exhausted but otherwise healthy. Corran was Iceheart's prisoner aboard the Lusankya. However, he can't say exactly where this Imperial Super Star Destroyer is."
Nomi raised an eyebrow.
"Iceheart? So it's possible that Ysanne Isard is still here on Coruscant?"
"She was here," Dash replied. "But the most important thing is yet to come. We now know who the traitor in the ranks of Rogue Squadron is."
His wife frowned as he continued.
"It's Erisi Dlarit of the Thyferra Bacta Syndicate. She works with Ysanne Isard. After Corran's escape from the Lusankya, Isard launched the Super Star Destroyer. According to Corran, there are many Alliance members on the ship who we assumed were killed in action. The remnants of Rogue Squadron want to hunt down Isard and Dlarit. You know they suffered heavy losses in the battle for Coruscant. However, they want to carry out this mission unofficially. It's not an Alliance mission."
Nomi was silent for a while, processing her husband's information. She was glad that Corran Horn was alive and Tycho Celchu was innocent and a free man. But the news that Ysanne Isard was on the run aboard an Imperial Super Star Destroyer worried her. She shook her head.
"The Rogues want to fight against an opponent who is a hundred times superior to them? This is crazy, Dash."
Her husband nudged her.
"This is no longer the Nomi I knew. Did you do anything else in your prime? Rogue Squadron is known for never giving up, even against all odds," Dash said with a laugh. "Everything will be okay, darling."

The Jedi nodded, but she was still afraid for her former comrades and especially her younger brother. Gavin had always been very brave in battle and it was often only thanks to her that he didn't have to pay for his bravery with his life. Nomi tried to suppress her fear and smiled at her husband.
"Yes, I hope the Force will be with them."
Dash kissed her.
"I'm sure the Force will," he replied before changing the subject. "How are the children? I haven't seen them today."
At the same moment the door to the children's room opened and the triplets rushed in. Their faces were smeared with Blum fruit juice. Seeing this, Dash tried to keep them at a distance so his dress uniform wouldn't get dirty. Nomi grinned when she saw this.
"Let me change first, boys, then we can play," Rendar said.
While Nomi's husband went to the bedroom to change into more casual clothes, the Jedi took a cloth and cleaned her sons' faces.
Nomi was grateful for such moments of normality. They have been too rare in recent years.

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