Chapter 52 - Mission at Bakura

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Three months had passed during which Nomi had nothing to do but to take care of the triplets and take part in combat drills.

Nomi and her husband had just had breakfast when the young woman's comm went off. She took the call and heard Admiral Ackbar's voice.
"Come to the command center, Captain."
The pilot looked at her husband and wondered why he didn't get a call too.
Dash took a sip of caf and leaned back on his seat.
"You should go, darling. Superiors hate waiting," he said with a wink. "Leebo and I will take care of the triplets."
The droid standing nearby turned his head, his photoreceptors glowing brighter than usual. "Of course," he answered curtly, but Nomi and Dash were well aware that the droid was very fond of the babies.
Nomi stood up, kissed her husband and left their quarters to go to the command center.

It was quite a nice day and the pilot enjoyed the short walk. When she reached the command center, Admiral Ackbar and Wedge Antilles were already waiting for her.
"Ah, Captain Darklighter," said the admiral and pointed at a chair. "Please take a seat."
Nomi sat down and looked at the two men expectantly.
The admiral cleared his throat before speaking.
"As you know, we are in need of spare parts for our X-wings, Captain. Commander Antilles suggested asking you if you would like to join this mission. The newly allied government of Bakura agreed to provide us with what we need. You see it will be an easy task. We wouldn't ask you if it were otherwise."
The Mon Calamari nodded to Wedge, who began to speak.
"It will be like a walk in the park, Nomi. We will take either the Outrider or the Aquarius using a fake ship ID. The fake ID is just in case, I doubt we will need it. Are you interested?"
Nomi poured herself a glass of water and considered the offer of a new mission after being fairly inactive for months. She took a sip of water after making up her mind.
"Count me in, Wedge. When will we go?"
The commander rose from his seat.
"Once you have spoken to Dash and packed... Admiral."
Wedge inclined his head to his superior and left the room to prepare for the mission ahead.
When the commander had left, Nomi drank the water in one go, rose from her seat, inclined her head and went to her quarters to speak to Dash about the mission.

Dash looked up from his datapad as his wife entered.
"What did the admiral want, love?" The former mercenary asked.
"A new mission, Dash," his wife replied, sitting down next to him. "Wedge and I will pick up spare parts from Bakura."
Her husband frowned and put the datapad aside.
"Wedge and you? May I ask why not you and me?"
Nomi shrugged.
"I don't know, Dash. We need a freighter and I was thinking of the Outrider."
"The Outrider? No, I don't want Wedge flying my ship. I'm pretty sure he can't handle her," Rendar said firmly, leaning back in his seat.
Nomi rolled her eyes, but she wasn't in the mood to argue with her husband again about Wedge.
"All right, then let's fly to Endor and get the Aquarius. You can take us there with the Outrider. How does that sound?" She asked with a smile, hoping her husband would agree to the suggestion, putting a hand on his hand.
"I can do this, but who's going to take care of the triplets when we're both gone?"
"Oh, Leia will do that. She has asked several times if she could babysit them. So you're taking us to Endor?"
Dash Rendar nodded his head, took his wife's hand and kissed it.
"Of course, honey. How could I refuse your wish? Leebo! Take the triplets to Princess Leia and prepare the Outrider for take-off!"
"Yes, Dash," they heard the droid's mechanical voice. He then started packing a bag with what the babies would need before picking up the crate with the sleeping triplets.
"I'm taking the babies to Princess Leia now," Leebo said as he walked out the door carrying the precious cargo.
Together Nomi and Dash went to the hangar, where Wedge was already waiting for them after the young woman had called and told him about the plan.
"Good morning, Wedge, ready for Endor?" Rendar asked with a grin.
"Good morning. I'm ready as always, Dash," the commander replied, walking up the ramp followed by his friends.
Not much later, the Outrider launched and made the jump into hyperspace.

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