Chapter 108 - Preparing for the Mission

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Nomi had placed Tasherit in Gista Topol's care before setting off for Luke's quarters with the triplets in tow. There she knocked on the door and it wasn't long before her childhood friend opened it. When the young man saw her in her pilot's gear, her helmet under her arm, and the boys, he frowned.
"So you're really taking part in this mission. I would have thought you would be more reasonable, Nomi."
"You know why I have to do this," she replied as her sons pushed past them and entered Skywalker's quarters. "You don't have to try to talk me out of it."
Luke shrugged.
"I won't do that because I know how stubborn you are," he glanced at the boys before turning his attention back to their mother. "I'll take care of them until you and Dash get back. May the Force be with you."
"Thank you, my friend," then she looked at her sons who were playing on the floor. "Be good, boys. Papa and I will be back soon."
The triplets looked up and waved goodbye to their mother. Nomi waved back and left.

Shortly afterwards, the young woman entered the hangar where the Rogue Squadron's X-Wings were. She smiled as she saw her fighter and Fuzzy, her trusty astromech already in his socket. The droid beeped happily as Nomi came over.
"Yes, I'm happy too," she replied to the droid. "It's been a long time."
Nomi put on the helmet and put on the gloves before climbing the ladder to get to the cockpit. There she sat in the seat, buckled herself in and closed the hatch. Then she and the other Rogue Squadron pilots waited for Wedge Antilles to signal the start of the short flight to the Star Destroyer waiting in orbit.
It didn't take long until the signal came and the fighters left the hangar one by one.

When they landed aboard the Jedi Hope, the Nerf Squadron fighters were already in the main hangar and Commander Xale was waiting for them.
The older man smiled as Nomi and Dash exited their X-wings and walked towards them.
"I didn't think we would see each other again so soon. Major Darklighter, Captain Rendar," the commander said, extending his hand to Dash.
Rendar took off his helmet with a smile, took Xale's hand and shook it.
"Well, as you can see, we're full of surprises, Commander."
Nomi also took off her helmet.
"We can't just sit at home and watch others continue the fight we started. This fight is still our fight too, Commander," the Jedi said, shaking Xale's hand as well.
"Understandable, Major," the commander replied before continuing. "My aide will show you to your quarters." He turned and signaled to a woman standing nearby who showed the rank insignia of a corporal.
The woman went over and gave Nomi and Dash a crisp salute.
"Major...Captain, if you would follow me."
"See you at the briefing at 0900," Commander Xale said before turning to leave and meet up with Antilles while Nomi and Dash followed the corporal.
The quarters weren't far from the main hangar. The commander's aide stopped in front of a door, opened it and left as the two pilots entered. After the door hissed shut, Dash looked at his chrono before sitting on the cot.
"We still have a standard hour until the briefing," he said, patting the cot invitingly. "Come here, honey."
Nomi slowly approached her husband and sat on his lap. She gently ran her fingers through his red hair as she kissed him. Dash returned the kiss tenderly as the Jedi Hope made the jump into hyperspace.

When Nomi and Dash entered the briefing room, the pilots of Rogue Squadron and Nerf Squadron were almost completely assembled. After the last stragglers arrived, Commander Xale stood, cleared his throat, and began to speak after activating the holoprojector.
"I know it's a nasty surprise for all of you," he said, pointing to the bluish holoimage. "But as you can see, the planet Lip'a'rii II is partially protected by a planetary shield."
A murmur ran through the ranks of the assembled pilots as the commander continued.
"Therefore, direct orbital bombardment of the Imperial base isn't possible. Grand Admiral Strombol is a skilled strategist. It would be fatal to underestimate his abilities. So how do we want to proceed? I'm open to any suggestions."
Xale looked at the pilots expectantly. Most were veterans and had seen many battles. Finally Wedge rose.
"Yes, Commander Antilles?"
The leader of Rogue Squadron walked over to the holoprojector and pointed at the image.
"As you can see, the conditions are almost the same as those at the Battle of Endor. Before we can bomb the base, we need to deactivate the shield." he paused for a moment before continuing. "Therefore, a commando unit must land on Lip'a'rii II and, bypassing the sensors, locate and destroy the shield generator. I realize that this will not be an easy task. We don't know how many troopers are stationed in the garrison or what equipment they have. Our Bothan spies were unable to provide us with any information about this."
Antilles went back to his seat and sat down again. Commander Xale nodded thoughtfully before looking at the assembled pilots.
"Does anyone else have any suggestions as to how we should proceed?"
No one spoke up.
"Then I think we should proceed as Commander Antilles suggested," he nodded to the young leader of Rogue Squadron. "It's up to you now."
Xale gave Wedge the floor again and the commander stood. He glanced at the pilots.
"I'll lead the commando unit. It won't be easy and I don't want to force anyone to take part in this mission. The decision to participate is voluntary. However, only fighters who have the appropriate training are eligible."
When his eyes met Nomi's, she sensed his unspoken question and raised her hand.
"I'm in, Commander."
Out of the corner of her eye she saw her husband turn pale. Sensing that he was afraid for her, she took his hand and squeezed it.
"Trust me, Dash, I'll be back. I promise you."
Rendar nodded and looked his wife in the eyes.
"I hope you can keep your promise."
Nomi wasn't the only one who volunteered for the commando operation. Tycho Celchu and Corran Horn raised their hands and were also accepted by Wedge.

Four Rogues against an entire Imperial garrison. The odds could have been worse.

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