Chapter 70 - Meeting the New Arrival

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Nomi was feeding her daughter when there was a knock on the door. She shifted the little girl slightly to make her more comfortable before answering the knock.
"Come in, Dash!"
When the door opened, it wasn't her husband who entered her room aboard the medical frigate. It was Wedge Antilles, which made the young woman wonder why he'd gotten up so early.
"Hello, Nomi," the Rogue Squadron commander said before sitting down in the chair next to the bed. "How are you and the baby?"
The young woman smiled at her superior and friend.
"As you can see, we're fine," she replied while Tasherit continued to suckle at her breast. "Tasherit has a healthy appetite. The birth was much easier than with the triplets, Wedge."
Antilles crossed his legs and sat back, relaxed.
"Dash already told us. Your husband and I had a great time with your brother, Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie yesterday as we celebrated the birth of your daughter. I think Dash will be coming soon."

At the same moment there was another knock on the door and after a split second Dash entered carrying Corran in his arms, accompanied by Leebo carrying Dash Jr. and Biggs.
"Good morning darling. Hello, Wedge," he said as he made his way to the bed. "Look boys, this is your sister Tasherit. Do you like her?"
The triplets looked at the baby with big brown eyes. Corran smiled and held out his small hands.
"Baby," he whispered before turning his head and looking at his father.
Dash smiled at his youngest son. His two older sons began struggling in Leebo's grasp, wanting to get on the bed.
"You can place them here, Leebo," Nomi said while still feeding her daughter.
The droid approached the bed and placed the two boys next to their mother and sister. They reached out their little hands and awkwardly stroked their sister.
"Herit?" Dash Jr. looked at his mother questioningly.
Apparently he had trouble pronouncing his sister's name.
"Yes, this is your sister Tasherit," his mother said with a smile.
"Dada, bed," Corran demanded forcefully.
Dash Rendar grinned and placed his youngest next to his brothers. His wife's bed began to resemble a fortress under siege.

After a while, Tasherit was finally fed and satisfied, and belched loudly. Nomi stood up and put her in the crib before going back to bed where the triplets enjoyed themselves. Dash smiled while watching his family. He never thought he would be so happy.
There was another knock on the door and Luke Skywalker entered. He suppressed a grin seeing the family idyll.
"Hello my friends," he greeted, going straight to the crib where Tasherit had fallen asleep. "I wanted to see my new future student."
He leaned over the crib and watched the sleeping baby while reaching for it with the Force. Finally he nodded his head and walked over to Tasherit's parents and Antilles.
"She's really, like her brothers, very strong in the Force," he began, clasping his hands behind his back. "I'm looking forward to train her and the boys."
Each of the adults focused on the Jedi when Dash Jr. got bored. He crawled to the edge of the bed, slid down, and stood on shaky legs.
Wedge had seen the movement from the corner of his eye.
"Look what your eldest is doing," he said, pointing at the little guy.
Just as all eyes were on him, Junior lost his balance and fell on his butt, causing a deafening scream from him. Dash rushed to his son, picked him up and comforted him.
Now Corran and Biggs followed their brother's example before their mother could stop them. But they only stood on their little legs for a short time before they too landed roughly on their butts. They were picked up by Luke and Wedge before they could start screaming. Thankfully, despite the noise and commotion, Tasherit slept peacefully on.
Nomi looked at her husband who was still comforting Junior.
"It seems it won't be long before our sons start walking, darling," she said, smiling.
"I've the same impression, Nomi," Dash replied, laying his eldest on the bed.
Wedge stood up and handed Biggs to Leebo and Luke did the same with Corran.
"We have to go, Nomi," Antilles said, heading for the door. "I'll see you later, Dash."
Dash nodded as he saw Luke following the Rogue Squadron commander.
Skywalker turned at the door.
"I'll see you when you're back on Anoat, Nomi."
As he was about to leave, he almost bumped into Gavin, who was on his way to visit his sister and the newest member of the family. He made way and the pilot entered the room.

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