Chapter 99 - Back on Coruscant

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Along with Luke, Nomi had stayed aboard the Jedi Hope for the flight to Coruscant with her father, who was taken to the brig.

When the Star Destroyer entered hyperspace, Nomi went to the brig to visit her father. There was no guard outside the cell because the Jedi trusted that Ulic wouldn't attempt to escape. She entered the access code and the door hissed open.
Bel-Baal sat on the cot, his head buried in his hands. When he heard the door open, he looked up and smiled when he saw his daughter.
"I thought you could use some company, father," she said, sitting down on the cot next to him. "Are you being treated well?"
Ulic nodded his head.
"Yes, I get food and water. I couldn't ask for anything more, Nomi."
The young Jedi took his hand and squeezed it.
"I wish there were better circumstances and you hadn't gone down the dark path," she said with bitterness in her voice.
"There is no way to undo what happened," her father said with a sigh before telling her how Vader managed to seduce him to the dark side of the Force and make him a willing servant of the Empire.
Nomi listened without interrupting him. Even if she had wanted to, she couldn't judge him for his weakness.
"Once I took the first step down the dark path, there was no turning back. Vader led me deeper and deeper into the depths of the dark side," Bel-Baal continued. "Initially there was regret over my lost love and the child who would never know its father. But then there was only the hunger for power, wealth, fame and influence. I was willing to give everything, including my soul, for the glory of the Empire."
He paused for a moment and took a sip of water, while Nomi patiently waited for him to continue.
"Then came the day when I noticed a bright presence in the Force. A presence I had never felt before, but a presence that seemed somehow familiar. Silya was pregnant when I left her and I assumed it might be my child that I sensed in the Force. After the deaths of the Emperor and Vader, I saw this Force user as a way to achieve my ambitious goal, the goal of becoming the new Emperor."
Ulic took another sip of water before taking his daughter's hand.
"I discovered your whereabouts and kidnapped your children to lure you to Algarian. But you foiled my plan, you were stronger than expected and I almost died. The experience triggered a change in me. Suddenly I was plagued by doubts and there was something else that irritated me, a feeling that I hadn't felt in a long time - love.
Love for you my daughter who had become very strong in the Force. I wanted to hate you for almost killing me, but somehow I couldn't. Your abduction on Coruscant was a final attempt to carry out my ambitious plans, Nomi," he said, looking into his daughter's eyes while still holding her hand. "I really didn't want anyone to hurt you. When I saw what the stormtrooper had done to you, my anger knew no bounds. It was the last time I used the dark side. Everything that followed was my attempt to find out if you were strong enough to save me."
Ulic smiled at his daughter.
"I am very proud of you, Nomi. Forgive me for what I said about your husband back then. You two have four beautiful children. I wish I could watch them grow up."
"You'll see them grow up, father," replied Nomi, stroking Bel-Baal's hand.
"No, my child," said Ulic with a sad undertone. "I foresaw that they would sentence me to death for my crimes."
"You can't know that. Luke told me that no one can see the future clearly because it is always in motion. We'll find a way out. From a certain point of view, you weren't responsible for your actions. Luke will do anything to prevent a death sentence. Trust him, father."
The former Dark Jedi nodded his head.
"Yes, I trust Skywalker, Nomi."

Two standard days later, the Jedi Hope re-entered real space and approached Coruscant's orbit.
High Command was informed in advance about the prisoner on board and so a shuttle landed in the Star Destroyer's main hangar to take him over.
Nomi stood next to her father and watched as several members of Alliance Security Service disembarked.
Commander Felgon, an Alderaanian whom Nomi knew from her time with the commando unit, approached them and produced handcuffs to bind Ulic.
Seeing this, the young Jedi frowned.
"Please don't do this to my father, Commander. It would also be pointless because he could free himself from these bonds at any time."
At first the commander raised an eyebrow, but then nodded.
"Alright, Major Darklighter, we will not tie your father up if you guarantee that he will not attempt to escape," Felgon finally said.
"Yes, I vouch for him, Commander Felgon, as an Alliance officer and Jedi. Is that enough?"
Instead of answering, the commander turned around.
"Bring the prisoner aboard the shuttle," he ordered. "There is no need to tie him up. Major Darklighter vouches for him."
Two soldiers took Ulic into their midst and led him into the shuttle, followed by his daughter.

It only took a short ride for the shuttle to enter the atmosphere of Coruscant and make its way to the former Imperial Palace accompanied by the Outrider.
When they reached their destination, the two ships landed side by side on the palace's landing platform.
Ulic Bel-Baal hugged his daughter goodbye after the engines shut down and Commander Felgon walked towards them.
"Please make sure your mother never finds out I'm still alive, Nomi. Promise me," he pleaded with her.
Then he lovingly stroked his daughter's hair as she leaned against his chest, crying.
"You don't have to cry for me. It would be easier for me if I knew that the peace your mother found with my friend Jula wouldn't be disturbed."
"I promise it. Mother won't know you're still alive, father."
The commander cleared his throat.
"Major Darklighter..."
Nomi turned her attention to the man standing nearby.
"I have an order to take your father to the detention block as soon as we arrive, Major."
The young woman nodded and let go of her father as Felgon signaled to two soldiers.
Shortly thereafter Ulic was taken away.

This was what Dash had been waiting for, to approach his wife. He wrapped his arms around her when he saw her tears.
"Stop crying, darling. He doesn't deserve your tears."
When Nomi heard this, she pulled away from his embrace and wanted to leave quickly. Unfortunately, she forgot about her broken leg and fell.
"Nomi!" Her husband screamed, rushed to her and knelt down next to her.
"I didn't mean to hurt you with my words."
Nomi looked at him as she rubbed her leg.
"But you did. Despite everything, he is my father, Dash."
Her husband gently picked Nomi up and carried her in his arms to their quarters. There he sat her on the couch and went into the bedroom. He returned with Tasherit and placed her in her mother's arms.
"I think our daughter is hungry, honey," he said and sat down next to her.
Nomi smiled at Tasherit, opened her shirt and began feeding her.
At that moment the triplets rushed in.
How much the Jedi had missed her children. They cuddled up to their mother and she stroked their unruly brown curls with her free hand.
"Why isn't grandfather with us, Mama? We sense that he is here."
Biggs looked at his mother questioningly.
Nomi looked warningly at her husband, who looked as if he wanted to tell their sons the truth bluntly. She didn't want the triplets to know that their grandfather would likely be sentenced to death and executed.
"Your grandfather can't be with us because he was arrested. He's in the detention block."
The boys looked at their mother with wide eyes. At the same time, the question Nomi had secretly been dreading came.
"Why, Mama?"
She took a deep breath before answering.
"He has done wrong and is awaiting trial."
Luckily, the triplets were content with that answer and went back to their room.
After his sons left, Dash gently stroked his daughters head. Then he leaned over to his wife and gave her a tender kiss.
"I'm so glad I have you back, Nomi. Forgive me for what I said before. It's hard for me to forgive your father for what he did to us."
Tasherit was full and Dash held out his hands to her.
"Come on, Nomi, give me our little princess."
He put Tasherit to bed after she burped. Then he sat next to his wife again and put his arm around her.
"We will get through this together," he said firmly.
Nomi leaned against him. She hoped that she could truly keep the promise she made to her father and prevent her mother from finding out that Ulic, the man Silya had loved with all her heart, was still alive.

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