Chapter 83 -Truth and Lies

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The next morning the Rendar/Darklighter family got up very early as there was still a lot to do before departure. Along with Leebo, Nomi packed everything they needed for their week-long stay on Tatooine.

As she packed her lightsaber components as well, Dash raised an eyebrow.
"I can't believe you want to take that with you too," he said while holstering his blaster.
His wife nodded. Perhaps, in the relative solitude of the Jundland Wastes, she would succeed in completing her final task.
Rendar knew that trying to talk his wife out of it would be pointless. So he didn't say anything else, took one of the many bags to bring to the Outrider.

After everything was stowed aboard the YT-2400, they headed to Luke's quarters to say goodbye.
The Jedi was already waiting for them.
"Good morning, Nomi and Dash. So, everything ready for the trip?"
Skywalker knew about the trip because Dash had told him about it the night before.
"Yes, Luke. Shall we say hello to your old home? Why don't you come with us?" Nomi asked her friend, smiling.
"Yes, give my regards to the most desolate planet in the entire Outer Rim," Luke replied, grinning widely. "I'd like to come with you, but I think I'd disturb you. Dash told me this is your second honeymoon."
Nomi sighed internally. She hadn't told her husband the real reason for the journey to her home planet.
"And I look forward to it, my friend," Dash said before kissing his wife.
"Nevertheless, Nomi shouldn't neglect her exercises, Dash." The Jedi winked at the older man.
"I'll see to it, Luke," Rendar replied, releasing Nomi and checking his chrono. "We have to go now. Our launch window will open soon."
"Then I wish you a safe flight. I'll see you in a standard week," the Jedi said, turning and entering his quarters.

A little later Nomi and Dash entered the hangar where Leebo was waiting for them at the Outrider.
"The children are already safely in their bunks," the droid said before walking up the ramp, followed by the couple.
Knowing she could rely on Leebo, Nomi entered the cockpit, sat in the copilot's seat and buckled up. Next to her, her husband dropped into the pilot's seat, strapped in and did the preflight check before plotting a course for Tatooine. The former mercenary was happy and humming a popular song while starting the engines.
Shortly thereafter, he received clearance from ground control and the YT-2400 launched into Anoat's orbit. Dash steered the freighter towards the next jump point. Once out of the planet's gravitational shadow, he pushed the lever and the stars turned into the streaks and whirls of hyperspace. After Nomi's husband switched to autopilot, he unbuckled his seat belt and got up.
"Our children are sleeping, darling," he said, before kissing Nomi deeply. "We should take the opportunity to have some alone time."
Nomi winked at her husband.
"I'll make sure we're not disturbed," she said, unbuckling and walking to the mid section where Leebo was standing.
Before the droid could say anything, she reached out and pulled a lever, deactivating Leebo.
"You're going to be called names when he comes back, honey," Dash said, following her with a grin.
"We'll see," his wife replied as she walked towards their bunk.
Once they entered the bunk, passion quickly arose.

A few standard hours later, Nomi and Dash were awakened by the signal announcing that they were about to re-enter real space.
Dash got out of bed, dressed and went into the cockpit. It wasn't long before his wife followed him, stopping at the motionless Leebo on the way. When she activated the droid, he aimed his photoreceptor at her.
"Was that really necessary, Nomi?" Leebo asked in his mechanical voice.
The young woman nodded and walked on, ignoring the wailing droid. She saw no reason to justify her actions to Leebo.
After entering the cockpit, she sat in the copilot's seat while Dash looked over at her.
"How did you like the start of our second honeymoon, darling?"
Nomi smiled at her husband before answering his question.
"It was incredibly satisfying, Dash."
Rendar leaned over and kissed her.
"That makes me happy."
Then he returned his attention to the nav computer display.
"Activate the deflector shields, Nomi," Dash said as he pulled the lever.
His wife complied just as the streaks and whirls of hyperspace turned into the blackness of space. Directly in front of them they saw Nomi's home planet, Tatooine, with its twin suns, Tatoo I and Tatoo II.
At the same moment they were hailed.
"Mos Eisley ground control for the Corellian freighter Outrider. Do you read me?"
Hearing the voice, Nomi raised an eyebrow at how familiar it sounded.
"Loud and clear, ground control," Dash replied.
"We have you on our monitors and will now transfer the coordinates for the approach into your nav computer," the voice continued. "You have been assigned docking bay 84."
Suddenly, Nomi was absolutely sure who was talking to them.
"Kustan? Are you that? What are you doing at ground control?"
There was silence, broken only by static.
"Nomi? Nomi Darklighter?" They heard the voice again. "After all these years! Why are you coming back to your home planet?"
"I want to visit my parents, Kustan. My husband and children are also on board."
"You got married, Nomi? Hey, how long will you stay? Come with your family and visit us. My wife Iri'Ena will be delighted to meet you all. Just call me."
"Yes, I will, Kustan."
Nomi could feel Dash's gaze and the unspoken question hidden behind it. She nodded.
"Yes, Dash, this time you are correct in your assumption. Kustan was once my boyfriend."
"I didn't say anything, Nomi."
"Yes, you didn't say anything, darling, but the looks you gave me spoke volumes."
Dash said nothing and steered the Outrider to the assigned docking bay.

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