Chapter 50: Spa Day

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The next morning after Thanksgiving was calm and we spent it eating breakfast together and listening to Rose telling us about her dream and to Flo being surprised how comfortable the couch is.
It made all of us laugh but she insisted that it was just as comfy as a real bed.

After that, Flo and Rose played a little while the rest of us adults helped Scarlett to clean the kitchen and wash up the dishes from yesterday.

We spend a calm morning and decided to go for a little walk in the park after that. Rose looked adorable all cuddled up in her jacket, scarf, hat and gloves. She ran around a lot, pointing out different things to each one of us.

Lizzie and Robbie walked hand in hand next to Rose, listening to her explain something. Flo, Scarlett and I followed them and I smiled to myself when Scarlett took my hand and pulled me a little closer to her.

I mean, she usually likes to have me close and cuddle me but her behavior yesterday and today lets me believe, that she may be a tiny bit jealous of Flo, for whatever reason. But as long as it doesn't seem to bother her more than a bit, I keep my mouth shut, if she needs to talk about it, she will.

We expanded our walk, well drive later on, to the aquarium for my shift there and I said my goodbye's to Flo, Lizzie and Robbie since they left later that day. Scarlett glared a little at Flo, when she hugged me and that's all I needed to be sure that Scar was somehow jealous.

I also said goodbye to Rose because her dad picked her up later that day.
During my shift, my phone buzzed a few times and when I had a break, I took a look at it and smile widely, my heart filling with joy when I saw the pictures of Scarlett, Rose and me that Chris took yesterday.

For a few seconds I just gazed at the pictures and got this warm, fuzzy feeling inside me to have found my family.

I shook my head to bring me back to reality and made one of those pictures my background before going back to work.
Luckily it was Friday, so only one day with work before the weekend. I was really looking forward to this weekend, not because the week was so stressful or so but because Scarlett wanted to have her home-spa-day on this weekend and I was excited to spend the day with her and spoil her.

Since I went to her place after my shift was done, I stayed over and had the chance to make her breakfast in bed.

Well, technically I had the chance, practically I'm still in bed with her, cuddling her and drawing random patterns onto her arm.
We pretty much woke up at the same time, so when I wanted to get up, she pouted and pulled me back into her.

I don't mind at all, I love staying in bed with her and starting the day with a lot of cuddles.
Her head rests on my chest and her arm is hugging me.

After a few more minutes her grip becomes loose and I can feel her breath evened out. I smile to myself and kiss the top of her head, she fell back asleep, maybe I can still make her breakfast in bed.
Careful to not wake her, I unwrap myself from her and replace myself with a pillow that she hugs. It looks very cute and for a few seconds I just adore her before I sneak out of the room to go downstairs.

I look through the cabinets to find everything I need and heat up a pan to make her scrambled eggs.
We cleaned up the rest yesterday, which was pretty exhausting but now everything is clean. One reason more for me to spoil Scar today, she put so much effort into organizing her birthday and Thanksgiving and cleaning it all up.

While the eggs cook, I mix the pancake batter and cut up some fruits. I hum to myself while plating the eggs and cleaning out the pan before using it for the pancakes.
The smell of breakfast waves through the house and I smile, happy to bring it all up to Scarlett in a bit. Standing here and preparing breakfast somehow already feels normal after all the nights I spent here and all the mornings I helped Scarlett to prepare it. Most of the time Rose was there as well but we also had our mornings alone.

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