Chapter 76: Winter break

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Pov y/n

The snow melted a little through the day and the night and the next day, schools are open again, at least that's what I read on the internet and gathered from Rose's dad not calling again.

The next few days were calm and after work, I mainly spent my time at home or running errands because working on the treehouse is a bit difficult when everything is frozen.

Scarlett and I also had a few more calls and it was nice to hear her voice and see her face.
She also told me that Rose is on vacation for a week with her dad, since she has a week winter break. I won't lie, it made me a little sad because now I can't even spend time with Rose.

The weekend was uneventful, I did some chores around the house and watched some shows and took a walk. Scarlett was busy on Sunday though, so we didn't get to call.

Monday and Tuesday also were busy for her and she only managed to sent me text messages, which are better than nothing, so I won't complain.

I stayed longer at work on Wednesday, to catch up with Brandon on our project since he missed a few days. First due to the snow and then because of a cold. So, I showed and explained all the notes I made to him. It took longer than I anticipated but eventually, I was able to go home.

To my surprise, I got something in the mail. I barely get anything, except bills and stuff, so this is new.
It's an envelop with something inside. I've never seen the handwriting on the envelope and get a mixed feeling. Something between excitement and suspicion.

I settle on my couch and open the envelope.
A smile tugs on my lips when I see it's a postcard. I turn around to read it and my heart melts at the scrawly writing, clearly from Rose. There are some spelling arrows but I still understand what she wants to say:

Hello Mama,
I am currently on vacation. It's cold here but sledging is a lot of fun. We saw wolfs in a zoo and they reminded me of you because you said I am one too.
I love you, Rose.

My heart can't take this cuteness and I read the text over and over again as it's adorable but also makes me miss the little nugget even more. I turn it around to take a closer look as to where they are and raise my eyebrows a little. Canada, interesting.

But her text is cuter than the landscape, so I put it up at my fridge and every time I look at it, it makes me smile.
The rest of the night is calm, I cook dinner and take a bath, relaxing a little.
When I go to bed, I text Scarlett before continuing to read my book. It's a romance novel and pretty cute.

Although, it makes me feel pretty alone. Reading about how happy they are and how they spend so much time together and live happily with one another, makes me a little sad. I wish I had one with me to do all these cute things with right now.
I mean, at least I have a girlfriend, which I am more than happy about but I do miss her.

I miss how she looks at me, as if I am the most valuable thing in the world. I miss her hugs that are so warm and comforting. I miss cuddling with her and listening to her heartbeat while falling asleep. I miss her body warmth next to me. I miss her kisses that always make me giddy. And I miss her smell.

That reminds me of something and I get up, opening a drawer, getting out a hoodie. It's one of hers and it also still smells like her.
I breathe in her scent, relaxing a little.

I take the hoodie back to bed with me, switching it out with my sleeping shirt. It's warm and comfy and surrounds me with her smell. It may seem creepy how I'm laying there, smelling her hoodie but it gives me a bit of comfort, so I don't care.

I turn off my light since it gotten pretty late and snuggle into my pillow, waiting for sleep to overcome me. But it doesn't, I don't fall asleep.

After what feels like an eternity of trying, I roll onto my back and stare against the ceiling.
I am not sure what it is, but it's annoying. Listening to my thoughts, I try to figure it out.

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