Chapter 45

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Madelynn's P.O.V~

The past two weeks have been a cluster of madness and all signs of the apocalypse. After Dad, SweetPea, Jughead, and I weren't allowed into town until the Quarenteen was lifted; we found ourselves in a Riverdale that was completely different than we had ever seen. While the Southside was a side known for poor people, crime rates, burglary, and occasional crime; the Northside was also dealing with it with the access to goods being cut off. 

Finding out that Betty was in the Sisters of Quiet Mercy was triggering and sad to find out. She had tearily told us everything that happened, from what the sisters knew to the fact that Ethel of all people was there and had a crush on Jughead; something that didn't surprise me in the slightest. She also introduced us to all the former patients that Alice was now temporarily housing as they all stayed clean off the fizzle rocks that Hiram Lodge was pumping into them. 

That was another surprising factor, Hiram Lodge had been testing his drugs out on patients at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy and was behind the seizures that took down Betty, Josie, Veronica, Toni, and the Vixens. It wasn't as shocking after hearing everything Penny Peabody had spilled to Mom, who had told Jughead who then informed not only myself but Betty and SweetPea. 

Speaking of SweetPea; he's been living with Dad and me since Jughead has been spending many nights at Betty's these past two weeks; protecting the Coopers while I held down the fort with the Serpents for him, doing the job of King. His living with us currently made it more official, since his stuff has been at our place since riot night all those months ago; Cheryl and Veronica's warnings helped us save his and Fangs's stuff; since they shared the trailer. 

Jughead had informed me last night that we had an issue with unnamed serpents selling fizzle rocks and we had no clue who it could be. I knew Toni and Cheryl were doing their little burglary scheme but they wouldn't sell drugs. The only Serpents who haven't been accounted for recently are Fangs, Blade, and this girl whose name is Peaches. My gut is telling me that this is going to change the way the Serpents are run but I've been avoiding that thought process.

Hiram Lodge asked Veronica for ten percent of our earnings for so 'graciously allowing us' to have our business after the quarantine. I told Veronica we needed to figure something else out and she had agreed but for now, until we can strike further; we have to agree with him, or else he'll send his terrible Gargoyle gang after us. 

I had heard a word from Uncle Fred that Archie was settled somewhere safe until we could bring him home. I was extremely worried about him but Uncle Fred assured me that Archie was a strong boy and he would be alright. 


Walking into the speakeasy with SweetPea, I walk over carrying the first aid kit that Veronica asked me to bring since our supplies were low. Seeing Reggie sitting there looking completely and utterly defeated, with injuries from those Gargoyles, it was depressing. 

"What the hell happened to you?" SweetPea questions, glancing at my ex with a look of indifference but I knew he was slightly concerned. Working at the Speakeasy with him has caused some of the tensions to disappear. Reggie and I will never be besties or friends again after everything, but we had a mutual understanding and love for Veronica that allowed us to work together; same with SweetPea and him. 

"Hiram Lodge happened." Reggie bitterly chuckles, wincing as Veronica starts dabbing his cuts to clean them up. Veronica was extremely upset at what happened. 

"I'm sorry that this happened Reggie," She apologizes after cleaning him up, with my father breathing down all our necks, " She frowns, glancing at Sweet Pea and me. "I suppose it was only a matter of time." 

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