Chapter 27

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(Recap from the last chapter: I grab my bag and grab Reggie by the hand and pull him into the Janitors closet.

"Whats up Jones?" He asks leaning against the wall.

"Remember when we.. dated?" I ask him. He nods.

" Yeah.. why?" He says curiously. he looks at my face and moves closer. "Have you been thinking about us?" He asks. I sigh and nod. "I've been thinking about you too Mads." He says smiling at me. I look away but his smile lures me back in.

"I've been wondering what would've happened if I had stayed with you and never dated SweetPea. You always tried to make me a model citizen." I say smiling at him. He nods.

"Madelynn, will you be my girlfriend again?" He asks me. I look at him shocked and go to answer

End of recap)

"I think we should start things off on the down-low," I suggest smiling at Reggie slightly. He nods and smiles at me.

"I think that is a wonderful idea Mads, I've missed you a lot." He says coming closer to me. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back and smile at him when we pull away. "Also, tomorrow when the serpents come, what are you gonna do?" Reggie asks me. I sigh.

"Weatherbe wants me to help out because I'm a serpent by blood and stuff, I don't know how I feel about this though because SweetPea was such a jerk when we broke up," I say sighing. Reggie nods and gives me another kiss. The bell rings and we pull apart. "Okay, I'm gonna go out first then you," I say to him. He nods and I walk out and head down to the Blue and Gold to meet with Betty. When I get there I see Veronica and Betty talking over tomorrow. Veronica looks up and gives me a knowing look. I give her a look that says 'don't talk about it.' and she sighs.

"So Mads, where did you run off to?" Betty asks looking up at me. I set my bag down on my desk and get my computer out.

"I went to talk to Weatherbe about the serpents arriving tomorrow," I say to Betty. "I honestly don't know how the serpents are gonna react. Jug will try to guide them but they will barley listen to him, they used to listen to me until SweetPea and I broke up. A lot of them are siding with him." I explain to the two girls. They both nod and Veronica looks at me. 

"So how's Reggie?"Veronica asks looking up at me. Betty looks at me confused. 

"Reggie?" Betty asks. "Why would Madelynn have anything to do with Reggie? They broke up months ago Ronnie?" Betty asks Veronica confused.

"Well, they went into the janitors closet together so I'm assuming something happened," Veronica says putting me on the spot. "Why would you talk to him? Even if he did buy you that nice Christmas gift, he hurt you Mads." Ronnie says to me, lecturing me. 

"We talked about us, and how maybe we shouldn't have broken up and just tried to work things out," I say quietly. "Then we may have agreed to start seeing each other on the DL again," I say even quieter.

"What?!?" Betty and Ronnie ask at the same time. 

"What if he hurts you again?" Ronnie asks. I sigh and look up from the list of extracurriculars that I typed out for the new kids.

"Luckily, it's on the DL so I'm assuming feelings won't be attached. I really need a distraction right now. I thought of moving back to Riverdale High then the Serpents get moved here and I haven't even dealt with my feelings towards him at all so I'm just trying to figure it all out. Plus Dad and Jug are fighting all the time and then we had a big family fight and now finally family stuff has settled so maybe all this other stuff can too." I say ranting to the two girls. They sigh and come over by me.

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