♛Author's Note with Updates!♛

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Hi Everyone! So as you may know if you follow me and have notifications on, I've taken a break from this book to gather ideas and figure out exactly what I want to do for season 3. I've been rewatching season 3, gathering intel and writing down notes while I watch to get ideas, and hopefully, since I'm currently on episode 8, I can get a chapter of season 3 out to you guys!

I'm updating you all and also looking for some insight!

Aurora Nova Lily Lupin-Black is the third youngest child of Sirius Orion Black and Remus John Lupin. She has two older twin brothers (Archer James and Leo John) who are the same age as the Weasley Twins and she loves them dearly. They're all close with their Papa Remus while their father Sirus Black is in Azkaban for betraying the Potters, murdering Peter Pettigrew, and killing 13 innocent muggles. Follow Aurora's years through Hogwarts where she befriends the golden trio and her cousin Draco Malfoy.

I'm currently writing a Harry Potter book (I've read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction during quarantine and have wanted to write a book with my fav ships! #Wolfstar!) and I am on my fourth chapter of the first book and find myself wanting to ask questions about plot points and since the book isn't published I figured I'd ask all of you, hopefully, some of you like harry potter!

Here's a little bit about the book so you can get a good idea before answering the questions!

So my first question is about Severus Snape, so currently, I wrote him as being a lot nicer and a little OOC because I feel like Snape was treated badly, which isn't necessarily a good thing. I know he called Lily an M word and he should have NEVER said that but I have always liked his character for a couple of reasons including that he would give up his life for Harry's even though Harry's father treated him so badly. He loved Lily and many think that he was obsessed with her but I feel like he was just happy to have someone who didn't judge him even after he ended up in Slytherin. Should I keep him as nice or make it more canon? I feel like maybe he sees her as a Lily replacement because before Lily died she loved Aurora as her own daughter.

The second question is how should I tie in Draco Malfoy? Draco is her cousin and so far in my book they have a better understanding for each other, but I don't know if I should make him a prat to everyone but Aurora or not, the same going for his parents. 

The third Question is should Sirius Black get a trial during the third book or not, I have many problems with the Harry Potter books and one of them is the fact that If Dumbledore had all those trials, then why didn't he use them to help Sirius once he knew he was innocent? I'm leaning with getting Sirius a trial after they all catch him and Pettigrew, and since Aurora is as smart if not smarter than Hermione, they would know how to make sure he didn't transform and run. I would also not kill off Sirius in the 5th book like the original author did. 

Fourth Question is should Goblet of Fire be the same or not? If Snape is nicer to Aurora then he wouldn't spill the secret of Remus being a wolf because he would want Aurora's father to have a stable job to support them so then Dumbledore wouldn't have to hire another defense professor, so then Moody wouldn't be hired and Barty Crouch Jr wouldn't have to polyjuice as him. So I don't know what to do there.

and my Final question for now is Is anyone even interested in a Harry Potter book? Please let me know!

Madelynn Jones - A Riverdale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now