Chapter 32

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(Her Outfit)

(Her Outfit)

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I walk through the halls of Riverdale High, avoiding Kevin who wants me to be apart of the musical. I go into the student lounge and I walk into Jughead and Kevin talking about Jughead filming the musical. I sigh and go to turn around when Kevin calls my name.

"Mads! Can you please help me with the musical? Please be Cheryl's understudy, or even Betty's role or even Josie's role." Kevin begs listing roles. Jug looks at me with an amused expression and he gives me the 'you should just do it' look. 

"Kev, I don't want to be in Carrie. It's my least favorite musical. If we were doing Heathers or Mean Girls, or Hamilton."  I say listing musicals that I like. 

"Then please come choreograph and vocal coach please, I need help. I cast Fangs as my assistant director." Kevin says. "I need help." He says begging. I sigh. "Also I need an understudy for all the roles, just in case. You probably won't have to be on stage."

"Fine Kevin, I'll help not because you begged but because otherwise, I'll be hanging out home alone." I sigh. He claps excitedly and he leads me to the auditorium with him and Jughead. We do the opening number except for Fangs and I sitting to the side. Then once the number ends, Fangs and I grab chairs to join the circle and make a halting screetching noise-making everyone look at us.

"Welcome to Carrie the musical." Kevin says glaring at Fangs and I. "Next Introductions. I'm Kevin your director." Kevin says before looking at Fangs.

"I'm Fangs, assistant director to Kev." Fangs says looking at me. 

"I'm Madelynn. Kevin forced me here to teach you guys how to dance and sing." I say crossing my arms. I look over at Archie with a glare.

"I'm Archie. I'm playing Tommy Ross. The Boy Next Door." Archie says making me scoff, Jughead catching it on film as I also flip Jug off. 

"I'm Betty. I play Sue Snell." She says looking over at me with a smile. "The good girl." She adds.

"I'm Veronica Lodge. " Veronica says giving me a small smile. I sigh and ignore it making her frown. "Playing Mean girl, Chris Hargensen." She says. 

"I'm Cheryl Blossom, playing the iconic role of Carrie White," Cheryl says making me smile.

"You go, Cheryl! That's my girl!" I cheer as Josie coughs. "Tone Deaf."

"Josie, you got something to share? Or are you gonna be quiet for the rest of rehearsal unless called upon." I say icily standing up. Cheryl smiles greatfully at me as Jughead pushes me back down in my chair with a glare.

"Who's playing your mom, Margeret White?" Betty asks making everyone look around. 

"I am." We all hear someone say. We look and see Mrs.Cooper making me smile. Kevin explains his views on age casting and everything. Mrs.Cooper explains that she wants to spend time with us and Betty. We hear someone come up on stage and I see Chuck Clayton making me gasp.

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