Chapter 29

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(So I'm combining the episode with the shady man and the episode with them going to Lodge's lodge because there's not enough for me to add Madelynn properly, also let me know how you're enjoying the story. I have decided to play around with another ship that was mentioned in my dms that I honestly hadn't thought about but it seems like a good idea and a twist on the show. If you ship Madelynn with anyone let me know!Also if you think there is anything for me to add, let me know!)

I wake up to Jughead shaking me awake.I look up at him confused. "Jughead get out, too early." I groan kicking him in the leg. He groans at me and shakes me again.

"Get up. I want you to read the latest chapter of my book which also explains why dad and I were so jumpy last week." Jug says. "Now get up and get dressed, we have school dork."He says flicking my forehead as he leaves. I groan and get up out of bed, going over to my closet and looking for clothes. I grab a grey shirt, a black and white plaid skirt, and a pair of black booties. I grab a jean flannel and tie it around my waist. I tuck my shirt in and put on my necklace from dad and my bracelet from Jason. I put on some makeup and put my hair into a half-up, half-down ponytail with curls.

I grab my backpack and go out to the main room where Dad and Jughead are sitting eating breakfast

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I grab my backpack and go out to the main room where Dad and Jughead are sitting eating breakfast. "Morning dorks," I say to the two of them, dad and I talked things out last week. I grab a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. I grab a cup of coffee and sit next to dad. "So Jug where's the chapter that I'm reading?" I ask Jughead. He hands me it and then I read it over while eating my breakfast. I finish reading it and I look over at Dad and Jughead shocked. "You guys did what?" I ask. "A dead body?" I whisper yell knowing that I tend to be loud.

"Yes, don't ask questions," Dad says quickly. I nod and we finish talking before Jughead looks over at me.

"It's time for school dork," Jughead says grabbing his bag. I nod and stand up, putting my plate in the sink. I grab my bag putting it on. I go over to dad and give him a kiss. "Bye Dad!" Jug yells going out to Archie's car. I kiss dad on the cheek.

"Bye dad, love you," I say to Dad. He smiles at me and tells me he loves me too.I go out to the car and see Jughead sitting in the front with Archie. I sigh and get in the back. "Hi dorky brother number 2," I say to Archie. He rolls his eyes but smiles at me and drives us to school. We get to school and go inside. I walk into the lounge with my brothers and sit on the couch while Jughead sits with Betty on one chair and Varchie sits on the other making me feel very very single.

"So guys I was thinking that we should go to my family's lodge in Shallow Lake this weekend guys," Veronica says looking at all of us. "Fair warning. Our Shadow Lake chalet is rustic, but it has breathtaking views of the mountains, the waters."

"Oh my god. That sounds heavenly, Vee." Betty says smiling at Veronica. "What do you say Jug?" Betty asks looking over at Jug.

"As long as it's cool with your dad," Jughead says referring to when Jughead said he wasn't buying Mr.Lodge's crap.

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