Chapter 31

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(Her outfit above)

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(Her outfit above)

I walk down the halls to head to the press conference for Presidental Elections. All of our parents and townies will be there.Betty is now my running mate and Jughead is our advisor; we're running against Veronica and Archie along with Josie and Reggie. I walk into the auditorium and I give Betty a big hug.

"Are you nervous?" Betty asks me as we sit down. Jughead is patiently waiting backstage keeping watch of us. I shake my head.

"No, we're the dream team. B and M, the best of friends." I say smiling at her. She smiles back and I see Veronica scowl at what I said. Betty's mom comes up to the podium on the side of the stage to start the conference since she's the one who is hosting.

"Okay, now just a quick reminder, that this school hall is a PTA sponsored event," Alice says on the mic smiling at everyone. "Oh, it looks like we have our first question." Alice says motioning to SweetPea who has his hand up.

"Yeah, no offense to the uh current administration, but it doesn't feel like anyone's looking out for the students who are being bussed in from the Southside," Pea says making my nod sympathetically at him. "Is that gonna change?" Pea adds.

"Absolutely, SweetPea, that's our priority. Betty and I will be representing all students." I say into my mic, looking at Betty who smiles and brings the mic up to her lips.

"We would never want anyone to feel marginalized or excluded here. North and Southside alike." Betty adds making people clap. We look at Alice to signify that we're done speaking. She nods.

"Next question?" Alice asks looking through the crowd. "Yes, Midge?" Alice asks as Midge's hand shoots up.

"My question is for Archie and Veronica," Midge says standing up. "Rumor has it that your parents will soon be on opposite sides of the Mayoral election, won't that negatively affect your working relationship?" Midge asks making me make a hmf sound that luckily the mic doesn't catch.

"Archie and I go by the old maxim that politics are never discussed at the dinner or cafeteria table," Veronica says making people chuckle. I roll my eyes and then Archie picks up his mic.

"Veronica and I are on the same page about everything, including her family's plans for a prison on the southside," Archie says making me and a lot of other students boo."In the meantime, however, we're committed to improving the quality of life at Riverdale High, which means more extracurriculars." Archie says making us rolling eyes.

"Reggie and I agree however we can and will deliver results," Josie says making me smirk.

"I disagree with this statement,I may support Josie but I will never support Reggie Mantle who is a misogynistic boy who does not respect women. So Riverdale High if you are going to cast your vote please cast your vote to Betty and me. We want to make Riverdale High a safe place for all of us. Women, Men, North or South. We're all apart of this school now and we all want to be safe in school. Betty and I have plans for an LGBTQ club and other activities for all of us." I say to everyone making people clap.

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