Chapter 33

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I wake up to Jughead shaking me awake, from another nightmare. The same one I've been having since Midge died. I shove myself into Jughead's arms and he comforts me.

"I know you barley slept but it's Midge's funeral and Cheryl dropped by with what you are supposed to wear. Get out of bed boo." He says gently. I nod and get up with the help of Jughead. He kisses my head. "After you get dressed, Dad and I will have breakfast ready." He says to me with a gentle smile. I nod and he leaves the room. I look at the outfit that Cheryl left and I put it on feeling upset. I pull up my socks and put my sneakers on, then I put my cape over my black RiverVixen outfit. I sigh and put on makeup, putting on a dark lip. I leave my hair down, wavy with the hood up on my cape. I walk out to the main room and see my dad sitting there. I sit down across from him and Jughead puts food infront of me. I eat quickly then, the three of us head to Midge's ceremony at the graveyard. I see Cheryl and bid goodbye to my family, meeting up with her.

"Hi, Cheryl." I say sadly pulling her into a hug. She hugs me tightly and Toni comes over to join us. I pull away from Cheryl and Toni pulls me into a hug.

"I just can't believe she's gone Madelynn, thank god the Black Hood didn't take you too," Cheryl says with tears streaming down her face. I hug her tightly, tears streaming down my face. We hear Mrs.Klump finishing her speech and the three of us go to join the rest of the RiverVixens. I walk over and join Cheryl in the front so we can sing the song we dedicated to her.

"When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark

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"When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark."  I sing with tears streaming down my face. Cheryl holds my hand while I sing and I look over at Midge's casket.

"At the end of the storm, there's a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of a lark." Cheryl sings squeezing my hand as we look out at everyone who came to support Midge.

"Walk on through the wind. walk on through the rain." I continue staring at my dad and brother.

"Though your dreams be tossed and blown."Cheryl sings on then we both look at each other and the rest of the Vixens who will be joining us to sing the end of the song.

"Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone". All the RiverVixens harmonize as Cheryl and I take the lead singing. "You'll never walk alone." Cheryl and I finish. I start crying when we finish and Cheryl takes my hand before taking a sharp breath.

"I also feel it is my duty to say that Like the Furies of Ancient Greece, who ceaselessly pursue blood atonement when a crime's been committed," Cheryl says with a stone-cold glare. "The Vixens and I vow that we will not rest until those responsible for the murder of our sister Is rightly punished," Cheryl says glaring at Sheriff Keller making me sigh. The ceremony finishes and I put a rose on Midge's grace and I walk over to Moose. He gives me a sad smile and I pull him into a tight hug. He cries on my shoulder and i keep hugging him till he pulls away with tears running down his cheeks.

Madelynn Jones - A Riverdale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now