Chapter 15

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Jughead wakes me up the next morning. He's standing over me with coffee and donuts from Pops. 

"Hey; get dressed. We're gonna go visit Dad." Jughead says shocking me with his words. I shoot up out of bed and go to my stuff trying to look for clothes. I find some clothes and shoo Jughead out to change. I quickly put on the jeans, tshirt, and flannel with a beanie like Jughead.

 I quickly put on the jeans, tshirt, and flannel with a beanie like Jughead

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I throw on my converses and then put on Jughead's sweatshirt. I grab all my jewelry and then run downstairs towards Jughead. 

"You ready?" Jughead asks me. I nod quickly and smile. We walk past the kitchen and we see Mary Andrews sitting with Fred. She looks up at us. 

"Jughead! Madelynn!" She says standing up. We walk over and hug the woman who was like our second mother. She kisses my head and takes off Jug's beanie; ruffling his hair.

"How are you guys?" She asks us as we pull away. We both smile at her.

"We're doing good Mrs.Andrews." I answer for the both of us. "How have you been?" I ask as Jug puts his arm on my shoulder to lean against me. 

"I'm doing great Madelynn and for the millionth time you can call me Mary." Mrs.Andrews says to the both of us.  We nod and smile at her.

"Well we better head out; we wanna go check on our dad." Jughead says to both Andrews parents. They nod and smile at us. 

"Have a good time; tell your father I say hello." Mary says. We both nod and leave the Andrews house. We walk over to the Southside. We walk into the trailer park and go up to the trailer. We walk inside. As we are walking up we see Dad's truck and we open the door. We walk inside and it looks so clean. We look towards the kitchen and see dad walking towards us.

"Daad" Jughead says obviously impressed with how clean and ready it is in here. "Have you been body snatched?" Jughead asks proudly.

"Oh, I feel good, Jug." Dad says smiling at us proud of himself. "Wanna look good, too. Shave.Clean the place up a bit." Dad trails off. "A little paint." Dad finishes off. "Oh,we got some coffee and donuts." I say to Dad handing him the thing. He takes out a coffee and grabs a donut. I do the same and so does Jughead.
"And I read your, uh Your essay? Manuscript?" Dad says to Jughead. They start talking about it and I walk around the house just looking to see how clean it is.

"Maddie?"Dad asks. I come back into the main room where they are sitting.I sit at the table next to Jughead. 

"Yeah, Whats Up?" I ask him. He smiles at me and pulls out my photographs. He shows me the photos he has of Ronnie and Betty.

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