Chapter 39

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It's been a day since Archie's been sent to Juvenile Hall. I was currently working a shift at Pops with Veronica. We've both been rather quiet today, waiting for results about Archie. While Veronica is getting coffee for Fred, Mr.Keller, and my father; I place a muffin infront of each of them and then return to cleaning the counter. Fred comes back in from taking a phone call.

"I just got off the phone with the warden at juvenile hall," Fred says sitting down. "He says that Archie's been processed. " He says to his two friends then turns to Veronica and I. "He's okay." 

"Thank God." Veronica mutters handing them their coffee. I nod in agreement with her. 

"Yeah. I got a line on those three thugs that gave false testimony against him." Fred says to Mr.Keller and Dad. Dad grips his coffee cup tightly.

"I'm friends with the sheriff over at Shadow County," Mr.Keller says making me sigh. "They found the remains of a campfire in the deep woods." He informs the four of us. I scoff making everyone turn to me.

"Archie's in jail, and these cretins are basically camping," I say angrily, my fingers itching toward the knife that I keep in my shorts underneath my uniform.

"Not for long," Dad says to assure the both of us. "We'll make damn sure of that." He says making me smile at him, sending him a grateful look.

"Meanwhile, I'll keep the home fires burning at Riverdale High," Veronica starts determined."So everyone knows my Archiekins will be back in time for homecoming and everything will be just as he left it." She says determined. 


I walk down to the Blue and Gold room to talk to Jughead and Betty about making a new column in the paper for local job advertisements and other stuff since we are looking for waitresses at Pops and Fred is looking for part-time help

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I walk down to the Blue and Gold room to talk to Jughead and Betty about making a new column in the paper for local job advertisements and other stuff since we are looking for waitresses at Pops and Fred is looking for part-time help.  I open the door and hear Jughead and Betty talking.

"Animal bones were in a circle," Jughead says quietly. "The tree had markings on it. There was a winged totem with a skull and branches." Jughead finishes before he clears his throat and notices me. "Mads close the door, I'll explain everything." He says seeing my face. I nod, not trusting my voice. I follow what he says and go to stand by Betty. Jughead fills me in on what he walked in, I knew that Dilton and Ben had attempted suicide. I knew that Jughead had found them but I didn't know what happened.

"I'll let you two handle this, just let me know what you find out," I say after we discussed the weird game they played and everything else. "I came to get your signatures and agreement to have a new column in the Blue and Gold for jobs suitable for teens," I say to them with a smile.

"Of course," Betty says with a smile. "Give me the forms and I'll sign for both of us," Betty says. I give her the paperwork and wait for her to sign. A minute later she hands them back. "Do you have anything else for us  Madame President?" She says with a teasing grin.

"Yeah, here's the information for the first article, I wrote it out and SweetPea helped with the illustration," I inform them. Betty looks it over and grins before handing it to Jughead.

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