Chapter 38

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"Maddie, c'mon today's the day." I hear Jughead say to me as I roll over. I sigh and sit up looking at my brother, rubbing my tired eyes. I haven't been sleeping well since Archie got arrested, splitting my time between the Appartments being finished, the case against Hiram Lodge, and finding out that the serpents had a million dollars saved up after we took it out of town. We've got it hidden in a safe, waiting for it to be used to strike. 

"Juggie, I'm scared, what if Archie gets sent to jail," I say quietly with a frown. Jughead sits on my bed and hugs me tightly to his chest.

"It's gonna be okay little sister." He says kissing my forehead. "Now get dressed, you have a testimony to make." He says. I nod and let him leave the room, walking over to my closet to pull out my outfit for court. I put on the collared dress and a pair of black heels. I walk into the kitchen and see my brother and Dad sitting in the kitchen. 

"Morning family," I say quietly

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"Morning family," I say quietly.  Dad stands up and goes to make me a plate, motioning for me to sit in my chair.  He kisses my head and places a plate infront of me. "Thank you, Daddy," I say quietly. He smiles and runs a hand through my blonde locks.

"Everything will be okay sweetheart," Dad says sitting next to me. I give him a small smile and eat my breakfast, listening to their conversation but being too absorbed in my own thoughts to contribute. We finish eating and Dad grabs his keys. "SweetPea and Fangs are meeting us there okay?" He says to me, leading me to the truck. I nod and get in the truck with him and Jughead. We arrive at the courthouse and meet up outside with Archie's family, Veronica, the serpents, the McCoys, and the Kellers. I walk over to Archie and hug him tightly. He hugs back, kissing me on the head and I feel tears streaming down my face.

"Oh Mads, don't cry," Betty says from behind me. Archie pulls away, seeing my tears and frowns. He wipes them off and gently pushes me toward Sweet Pea who kisses my cheeks.

"Little Bear, it's all gonna be okay," Archie says. I nod and sniffle, accepting the handkerchief from Veronica. We all talk for a couple of minutes before going inside. Today is the day that I had to go on the stand because I was a "victim" of Archie's abuse according to the prosecution. I had worked with Mary on how they would treat me. We sit in there and go through the trial until I'm called.

"The prosecution calls Madelynn Jones to the stand." The Prosecution says. I stand up and go over to the stand, swearing on the bible. "State your name and relation to the defendant for the jury." The judge lady says.

"I'm Madelynn Jones, I am Archie's godsister. His father and mother are my godparents." I say looking over at the Jury and glancing at Archie who gives me a reassuring smile. 

"Miss Jones, has Archie ever been mean to you?" She asks making me glance at her for a second.

"All siblings fight Ma'am. Archie is just as much my brother as my brother Jughead, although his legal name is Forsythe." I say staring straight at the prosecution. 

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