Chapter 18

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"Jessy?" Harry says. I look up at him, into his eyes.

"Do you love me?" He asks. My eyes instantly disconnect from his and I look straight down to my bowl of spaghetti, but I know that I can't avoid his question. I know that he doesn't love me.

"Harry..." I say

He looks up at me.

"Sorry, never mind it was a stupid question anyways."

"No, Harry it wasn't." I tell him. He gives me a confused look, but I just ignore it and finish my bowl. After we finish eating, I ask Harry if I could use his washroom and I watch him as he makes his way back to his bedroom. As I lock the door, I turn to face a big mirror right in front of my eyes. My cheeks are red as usual, and my eyes look a little swollen. I lift the black shirt of Harry's that I'm wearing and take a seat on the bowl. Before I leave, I wash my hands and put a bit of cold water onto my cheeks. I should probably give a call to my mother soon. I quietly walk into his room, only to find him with my phone in his hands...

"Harry?!" I say. He turns around so fast, surprised to see me so soon. His face looks guilty.

"What the hell are you doing looking through my stuff!" I shout at him, ripping my phone out of his hands. On the screen are my mother's texts.

"What does your mom mean, 'Dad left, you could come home now, sorry' I thought you wanted to see your dad?" He asks me.

"That's none of your business!" I shout. To be honest I'm embarrassed. I'm not ready for him to know me like that, know my deepest secrets. I take a few steps to his closet grabbing my damp jeans from the floor, pulling them over my skin. I quickly make my way to the entrance, slipping my shoes onto my feet. As I open the door to outside, I turn around.

"Jessy what are you doing, stay and talk to me"


On his balcony is a newspaper with todays date written on it. Picking it up, I lift it over my head to block myself from the rain. I don't really know where exactly I am but I do know the route he took coming home from school. Walking through unknown streets, I begin to realize the mistakes I've been making. Harry didn't tell anybody about us for a reason and that was because he didn't have the same feelings towards me that I've had towards him. My phone begins to ring, taking one hand off the newspaper I reach into my back pocket.

"Hello" I say.

"Look Jessy I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that. I looked through your phone because you seemed so sad and you didn't want to tell me what was going on and I wanted to make sure that you were ok. I know I shouldn't have... Jessy I'm sorry, please come back here... I'll come pick you up if you want where are---"

I cut him off.

"Harry, stop." I tell him. I can hear the fear cracking in his voice, but I'm not letting that get in the way. I hang up my phone, feeling a tear sliding down my cheek. The rain has stops. My whole body is wet, my legs are cold, shoes soaked, and Harry's shirt is damp. The newspaper I was holding, started to fall apart so, I dumped it in a recycling bin on the side of the street. Finally, l reach my school and step under the roof and onto a bench, the wind is getting stronger and the chills are coming back. My head hurts and I don't feel well. My phone rings again. Harry's name is written on my screen, I decide not to answer him. I spot a small dark car approaching me in the school parking lot, I don't know who it is. I slightly turn my face, not wanting to be seen by anyone. In a window I could see my reflection, my mascara stained down my long face. In front of me standing, was a man with short auburn hair. Jimmy. I close my mouth, clenching my teeth and slowly roll my eyes, showing my annoyance.

"Did Harry call you?" I ask him, aggravated.

"Uh no? Why?" He says. I rub my face, attempting to remove the black, smudged mascara even though I was probably just making it worse.

"Nothing..." I answer him, looking away. We stay silent for a good minute or so with him looking at me, trying to figure things out. As soon as we make eye contact I ask him,

"What are you doing here anyways?"

"Well, I was driving by and saw a pretty girl sitting alone, wanting to know why."

I sarcastically laugh at his comment rolling my eyes again.

"I'm kidding" He admits.

"Do you want a drive home? To Harry's or something?" Jimmy asks.

"that's the last thing I want." I say under my breathe.

"Oh, did you fuck him?"


"Well did he leave you after? Is that why you're so sad and crying here alone?" He says as if its happened before.


He tells me to follow him in his car since I look cold and I do as he says. The car is warm and comforting. As soon as I get in Jimmy's car, I text my mom to tell her I'll be staying at Liv's for the night. In reality I have no clue whatsoever how I was going to spend it... Or where?

"So, wanna make out or something" Jimmy asks with a smirk.

"Excuse me." My eyebrows are low and my mouth slightly open, surprised by his sudden comment. I put my right hand on the passenger door, ready to get out of his car. He grabs my left wrist to pull me back down. Jimmy slightly bites his bottom lip while looking at mine, his hand still holding me down. As he lets go of my wrist, he swings both arms up, grabbing the sides of my face, pulling me in closer.

"What are you doing, let go of me"

He presses his lips onto mine, hard. My eyes are still open, and I am confused. I use my two hands to push his shoulders back and his face pulls away from mine, giving him a dirty, annoyed look.

What?" He says, as if he didn't do anything.

"Like you didn't like it" he adds with a small laugh. He brings his hands up to his face, wiping the wetness off his lips.

"You're disgusting"

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