62. Burning

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~Marley's POV~
As I lay in bed, the sounds around the house was mute, nearly completely silent to me. I tucked myself further in the blanket on this new comfortable mattress and sighed.

Today was too amazing.

I thought of the events that happened with my family today as my mind peacefully began to turn the thoughts into dreams.

A recap of today danced behind my eyelids, the only difference was the smell. There was no food, no cologne or heavy perfume in my dreams. But then, some other smell began to roll into my nostrils.

A burning smell.

It got to be too much in my dream and I felt my dream-self turn her face up in disgust. So to get away from the smell, I woke myself up.

I sat up and checked the time to see that, even though my unconscious memories of today felt like its been playing for hours, its only really been about forty-five minutes.

But as I woke more, I realized that the smell I thought was just in my dreams, was also in my reality.

"Zayn?" I ask, seeing movement barely fluttering under the crack of the door.

I get out of bed when it started to light up, moving erotically.

I pull over my large sweater I found folded up at the foot of my bed earlier and slipped it on, opening the room door to expose black smoke rising up from downstairs.

"Grandma!" I shout, rushing down the steps, only to stop at the doorway when I see that the kitchen it totally set ablaze with no one in sight.

I tried to breathe, but my lungs began to complain, making me cough on the smoke around me. I quickly put the sleeve of my arm to my nose and mouth.

I was beyond worried, I don't know what to do!

I turned toward the back door, the fire already scattered along the ceiling and growing by the second, wooden panels set ablaze above me. The glass door was shut and the pressure started to build up around me. I coughed again and gripped the handle of the sliding door, yanking it open.

But when I did, the house felt like it blew up around me from the sudden release of built-up pressure, throwing me to the ground. The ceiling started to fall in front of me and I scrambled to my feet to get out of the way.

I'm scared. So, I do the only thing I can think of.



When I pull in a deep breath, I regret it instantly, the black smoke catching in my lungs and making my voice weaker.

"Zayn!" I shout again, it not being louder this time around.

I hold the sleeve to my mouth again, nearly gagging from the smell of everything burning.

"Shit." I begin to cry, making my way to the front of the house, though I know it's already taken up with flames.

My skin was too warm for comfort, sweat already running down my face and neck.

A long wooden board fell and landed on my shoulder, causing me to howl in pain as I drop to the floor. The sweater that I masked the air with, was now burning.

I scream in frustration and worry, pulling it off of me as the threads quickly lit with fire. I threw it down, having no hope for it now.

Ashes began to rain down from above, burning my scalp and skin.

"Marley?!" I hear someone call my name from within the flames.

"I'm here!" I shout back, the sounds of the house creaking and the noise of the flames flickering blocked out plenty of noise, but I've been waiting for someone to help me so I easily picked it out.

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