31. Free Hand

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"Go ahead and give him a ring." Zayn playfully sighs, wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin.

We had eaten his amazing breakfast in silence, but it wasn't awkward. He knew that telling me to wait until after our meal was making me stir inside and he was loving watching me struggle not to take my phone back from him.

His hand slid toward me, revealing my phone resting under his palm and I smiled. I snatched up the device, stood from my chair, kissed Zayn's cheek, and walked outside.

The morning was warming up from the cold the night had set the town in and I felt my skin savor the feeling of warmth from the sun as I sat on the first step leading into the front door. I pressed redial on my phone keypad and waited. It didn't take long.

"Hello? Marley, are you okay?" A groggy voice answered.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and hissed silently. It was ten in the morning in England. Only five in Florida.

"I'm fine and I'm sorry I woke you up, it's just that I found the locket and I wanted to thank you." I rushed, holding the speaker to my ear once again. "Really, thank you. I love it, and its the most thoughtful gift I have ever received."

"I was wondering when you were gonna call about it. Every time I answered since you left or every text message I got, I was hoping it was about the locket." I heard Edward chuckle and groan as if he was sitting up yet his body wasn't ready to be awake. "Like the engrave I had put in?"

"I love it. I love everything about it." I smiled and twirled the golden pendant around between my fingers. "It fits perfectly. I just hope it didn't cost too-"

"No, I'm not getting in to that." Edward playfully scolded. I imagined his cute bed head he has right now after curling up against a substitute pillow all night; flat on one side and a mess on the other.

"Can I have an answer to one thing?" I ask.

"Of course. As long as it has nothing to do with the cost."

"When? When did you have it made?"

"The night before you left. When you fell asleep to 'The Lovely Bones', I had gone out to my moms friends house. She owns the little hand-made jewelry shop on the docks and I asked if she had any lockets. When I saw the shell, I could already picture you wearing it. It took a bit over four hours engraving it and when I got home, you had woken up thirty minutes after I had laid in bed."

I sighed. "Edward. You shouldn't have gone through all that trouble for me."

"It was worth it. Hearing your reaction was nice."

"What would accepting this mean?" I hesitantly ask.

"It's a friendly and thoughtful gift. Kena had taken a picture of herself with Austin and noticed you and Donnie in the back. I had it transferred to a small picture enough to fit in the locket."

"Tell me all that you did."

"It's not even six a.m." He playfully complained.

"No, you're right. I'm being nose-y. Call me later."

"I can explain everything now, I was only making trouble."

"I feel bad for waking you. Call me when your thoughts aren't asleep." I chuckled and wished him nice dreams for the reminder of the time he's able to sleep.

I walked back into the house after Edward wished me a nice day and Zayn was not in the kitchen where I left him. I heard metal clanking from the hall on the first floor and followed the noise. It brought me to a door at the end of the hall and I knocked quietly on the partly opened door.

Zayn Malik's Long Lost Sister (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now