Ends and Beginnings. (Prologue)

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It was a beautiful sunny day in a random bustling city somewhere in the U.S. Birds were chirping and people were getting ready for the winter. Those in the southern regions of the world were preparing for summer, and those at the equator, well, they don't even get winters. However, everyone across the world was anticipating the release of a new RPG VR and AR game called Magic Heritage.

It was one of they most hyped up games in history. If launch was successful, then it was would be the most successful game in history. Inside of a large building, a group of seven developers, all with their separate past, were itching to release the game.

"Well guys, I guess this is finally happening, huh?" A rather tall man walked in, standing at about 5'11. This was the first developer, Emopa. Despite Emopa having a somewhat checkered past, he always sought to make one of the best games in history.

He got inspiration from other games that he played when he was a child. "We're gonna be the most successful game developers in the history of the world!" Emopa had somewhat long, straightened hair. It reached to the upper part of his neck. It was black in color and it compliment his eyes as well, which were the same. The dark skinned man looked at the 6 other developers. "I really couldn't have done it all without you guys." He said in a grateful tone.

Vatel stood up from his chair and gave Emopa a handshake. These two were best friends, and they've been the hardest working devs. They're actually the reason why the company was able to expand to Russia, Japan, China, Korea, Canada, and even some smaller countries. Vatel was about 6'1, having pretty long white hair that went to his upper back, black eyes, and he was also light skinned.

A shorter male stood up, "Ah.. we're gonna be living the good life aren't we? So much people invested and funded the company." This man's name, was Ulrich.

His past consisted of him making a lot of stuff. He actually wanted to star on a TV show where they would showcase weapons that they smithed. He always wanted to be a blacksmith, however, his parents were in a lot of financial trouble when he was little, but by the time he was 17, he was homeless. However, Emopa offered him the idea of joining him in making one of the biggest games the world has ever seen. He was a bit sketched out, but what did he have to loose? So he accepted, making him the third developer. Ulrich was light skinned, had short brown hair and a bit of a beard growing. He stood at around 5'10. He even had blue eyes.

The fourth developer was named Mareth. He was a former gang member who absolutely loved hand to hand combat. He loved it so much in fact, that when people got into gun fights with him, he was fast enough to disarm them. Then, however, after beating an entire group of people, he met Emopa and Vatel. They offered him a position as the fourth developer, he refused at first, but the promise in money, he couldn't refuse. Mareth stood up from his chair and chuckled. "We better be rich from everything when the game drops." He said, walking over to the small group forming.

"You guys are weird.. you're making this sound like some story or something." A small boy giggled. This boy's name was Static. He was a comedian, and a very well known one. He had a habit of playing pranks on people as well, but he also loved to see people smile. He was the youngest developer, being only 16 years old. He had short black hair, orange eyes, and dark skin. Static was coming back from another show when Mareth appeared to him and offered him a 'better' job. Low on funds, he accepted.

"Don't be like that, Static, this is a big moment, for all of us." A woman said. She stood at 6'1 as well, her name is Fox. She had long blond hair, along with green eyes. She wanted to be a judge, so of course, she was taking law courses. She, however, was greeted by Emopa. Who offered her a position as the sixth developer as a part time job, after all, she did know a bit of coding. However, it soon became full time as she's grown to like everyone.

The last developer was named Sorra. She was a chef and a very good one at that. However, she found her life boring and looked for something different. Then, Fox offered her the job. She took the offer, making her the completion to the team. She had long purple hair and red eyes. She was light skinned and was pretty beautiful too. The group gathered up together, with Emopa's hand on a computer, ready to upload one of the biggest games in history. "Ready guys?" Emopa asked with anticipation.

"Yeah!" The group yelled. The reason how they were able to manage such large companies across the world is obviously due to them hiring people. "Three, Two, One!" The game launched. Right when the game launched, an earthquake began to happen. Causing everyone to immediately stumble over. The sound of the building beginning to crack grew louder. "What the hell!" Vatel yelled as the he immediately checked his phone. Apparently, the earthquake could be felt worldwide.

Meanwhile, scientists in a facility were studying space, until they realized something. Another universe collided with theirs, and the larger universe was swallowing their own, forcing everything to become like that universe. Back at the company, the building began crumbling. Emopa and Vatel had no choice but to exit through one of the broken windows. There was a car below them that might break their fall. "Well bro, it's now or never!" Emopa said running and jumping out of the window. Vatel looked down and soon followed. Luckily the car was just enough for injuries not to be too bad. The two then saw the building tilt forward and began to crumble, a new building beginning to form through it.

A tower? They couldn't believe their eyes, but they had to get out of there. They quickly got up and ran as best they could to escape the crumbling building. Once they were far enough, they began to look through their phones, an article being released detailing the events that were happening. All of the company's were turning into the towers. However, no one knew what they meant. There were also sightings of monsters appearing and people having screens pop up in front of their faces. The government was also trying to scramble and find out what was happening.

The two looked at each other with a confused look before a screen popped up in front of them.

[Hello! Welcome to Magic Heritage!... Developers detected, your things will be assigned in 5 minutes.] The system said as It then disappear. Vatel then saw a map of the entire world in his face. It showed the locations of everything, trainers, dungeons, etc. "I guess this is it huh..? Here." Vatel sent Emopa a friend request, which he accepted. Vatel then sent him the entire map, "Well.. I guess we should get our classes?" Vatel asked.

"Yeah.. I'll see you around, be safe." Emopa picked up a pipe and stood up, walking out into the open and going to get his classes. Vatel left as well.

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