45:The Best Shot.

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"Five gods went missing!" Two gods were jumping through the trees. Surprisingly enough, one was Corrupt and the other was Pure. "We didn't even see the fucker! He has no mana so we can't even see him!" The Corrupt God's name was Marauder, The God of Conquest. The pure God next to him was named Poison, The God of Riches. Poison heard something, "Watch out!" He grabbed Marauder by the collar and yanked him back, "What're you-" There was a loud boom in front of them. Marauder looked in front of him, his eyes widened as a bunch of trees were torn in half.

"What the fuck..." Poison said as they then saw someone land in front of them. "You're friend saved your ass." In front of them was an Abomination. He wore some sweatpants and a compression shirt, he had black flowing hair medium in length. He had an animal pellet around his waist and a sword made of bones on his back. He had two revolvers on his left side and a dagger on his right. "Let's continue the hunt, yes?" Just then, a crack opened up, and Emopa along with Rea stepped out. Before the gods could say anything, they were already sliced to bits by Rea.

"Ah! So you're the new dark bearer." Deadeye said as a few young Abominations came from behind him. "Nice to meet ya." Emopa nodded and shook his hand. "We need you. We're going to begin our assault." Deadeye raised a brow. "Oh? Who will protect the people?" Emopa chuckled, "Don't worry, they're being relocated to a Paradise." Deadeye grinned, "I'm in then!" He laughed and they retreated into the portal. "What's our first destination, boss?" Emopa grinned. "We're freeing two planets that house Abomination slaves. Then, we're off for Ludwig."

Deadeye grinned, "How am I needed?" Emopa smiled and handed him a special kind of bow. "Planetary demolition." He said, entering a certain portal that led to a moon. A large terrestrial planet is in front of them. "Once I get the slaves, Zen will send you a signal," Emopa said, Deadeye nodding in response. "Alright, Zen, Rea, let's go." Emopa then made a sign with his hands, "First Forbidden Undead, Cosmic Ripper Galana." A large woman, about 8 feet in height with a spear in her hand appeared, slicing open a rift in time and space that led to the surface of the world.

Emopa, Zen, and Rea entered the world and were greeted by quite an interesting yet sad sight. They saw Abominations no younger than 13 doing heavy labor. They seemed underfed and underweight. "Poor souls..." Zen said, heading down toward them. While Zen and Rea were freeing the enslaved Abominations Emopa looked around. This place looked like a paradise, however, he found it strange that no gods were watching over this place. "Deadeye, you ready?" He asked, even though Deadeye was on another moon, the Dark Bearer had the ability to communicate with any Abomination they so chose.

Regardless of the distance, it was quite a useful ability. Rea led the freed Abominations into his rift, Zen set off a signal, and Deadeye readied the bow and arrow. "Ahh... A few more light years away, and this actually may have been just a tiny bit harder." He shot the arrow, and despite the fact there was no air, the arrow moved so fast the space around it warped. When the arrow struck the planet, it destroyed the entire surface. Emopa stood on the magma surface, looking up at the black and red sky. "It destroyed the atmosphere too?"

He turned his head, finding multiple colors in the sky. "Eheh... They're here." Emopa drew his blade, grinning. Meanwhile, Vatel and the rest along with Exo were on a cosmic road. "Where are we heading?" Amy asked as she cleaned her blade. "We're going to meet the Origin Star. Also known as Terra Star." Vatel raised a brow. "Origin?" Exo then responded, "Origins are people of the five great clans that have tapped into the power of the first of their clan. For example, Light and Dark Bearers. You let their power flow through you and make it your own."

Ulrich nodded, "Interesting. So, what about the Origin Star?" Exo sighed, "Natural enemies of the Abominations thankfully, but their magic is on par with Existence himself. That's not an exaggeration either." Alyssa raised a brow, "Someone with similar power to Existence? Scary." Exo shushed her and cleared his throat. "Terra!" He yelled as in front of them sat 12 pillars and what appeared to be an arcane circle. Sorra ran up to it, amazed. "I've never seen magic circles so complex and intricate before!" It began to glow and Sorra backed up, a white pillar of light shot into the air.

When it faded, a woman with long pink hair, yellow and orange eyes, and a dress that showed off a little skin appeared. The dress was made of a silky fabric and was white in color. She had pale skin as well. "Ugh... What do you want?" She asked, staring down the group. "Care to join us? The Abominations-" She then cut him off and laughed, "All you had to do was say their name, and I would've joined you!" She was floating in the air, creating small platforms as stairs, making her way down. However, she slipped and fell onto Fox.

"Ouch! You alright?" She asked as Fox sat up, nodding. "What's your name?" She asked, standing up and helping up Fox. "Hm? It's Fox!" Terra smiled. "Nice name." Vatel smiled at them, but Alyssa poked Fox with her staff. "I hate to ruin the mood, but we don't have time. Let's find Isshin." Exo then opened a portal, "The last report of an Isshin was in this city right here. High chances are it was an Origin too, due to the abnormal aura coming from him." A boy with red hair appeared behind Exo. "Sir, 67 gods went missing!"

"Eh?" Exo raised brow, "I-its was Emopa! He attacked a camp, and the world ended up getting destroyed in the process." Exo nodded, opening a portal to the city. "You coming, Terra?" He asked as Terra opened a portal of her own, "I'll look for the Alter Ego." Alyssa nodded and hopped into Exo's portal. "Come on!" Everyone else went into the portal. What will happen next?

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